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  1. damselz

    What am I doing wrong?

    I think I heard somewhere that uneaten flake food can cause nitrates to spike. Not sure but research it.
  2. damselz

    Old Pets

    My 21 year old cat died last year. That hurt, she came with me everytime I moved and I had her since I was 7. We raised her from birth because she was the runt of the litter. I miss her so much. People used to come over that I hadn't seen in years and say, OH MY GOD IS THAT THE SAME CAT...
  3. damselz

    Our clowns

    Is that a sebae that they are hosting, mine wouldn't go near it.
  4. damselz

    HELP: Missing purple firefish

    Mine hides in the rocks at night or when it gets spooked. They will find any hole they can. Hope you find him.
  5. damselz

    Graphic Design Artist!!!!!!!!!

    sorry about that I forgot the link A custom built work station is nice but I find that MACs are more stable and less prone to viruses. Also seem to just work a lot faster with Adobe and Macromedia applications. I agree they are pricey, that is why I am using a PC right now...
  6. damselz

    Graphic Design Artist!!!!!!!!!

    Hi, I am a graphic designer. I have a web design/graphic design business. First off obviously you need a computer. Get something powerful because design software can be hell on a slower processor. If you can, get a MAC powerbook (G4 or G5). Best computer for graphic design is a MAC. Get...
  7. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

    Cool, thanks guys
  8. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

    i have a whole load of them in my tank all over the rocks. are they harmful or beneficial?
  9. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

    i found this in my tank when looking under a rock. and then realized. they were everywhere. what is it?
  10. damselz

    Sand crabs, harmful???

    that's pretty much what I thought, even if they are not aggressive by nature, it still may have a Jersey attitude..LOL
  11. damselz

    Sand crabs, harmful???

    My girlfriend caught a sand crab at the Jersey shore. will this be harmful to my reef tank if I put him in there???
  12. damselz

    Think I have some pods, not sure, help

    are these the things that dragonets eat? so i don't need to do anything about them?
  13. damselz

    Think I have some pods, not sure, help

    I noticed some tiny things on my glass that are moving around. They are 2 different shapes and appear to be clear. One looks like a very tiny serpent star with a round center and 4 or 5 legs (for lack of a better) exteneding from it that seem to blow around with the current. The second shape...
  14. damselz

    Dori has ich

    I just went through this and unfortunately mine died. I tried Kick Ich and despite what many have said here, it seemed to work. Unfortunately she got popeye and went blind. Do not wait, treat ASAP, mine was named Dori too. If you have the means for a QT, do it, if not Kick Ich is reef safe...
  15. damselz

    Hippo blind, what happened???

    the others seem fine did water change and the ther fish eyes are clear. Things seem to be normal. Levels are good. Fish are eating, no scratching. I will not let this discourage me. In a couple of weeks I will get some new fish but for now I need to make sure the tanks is OK. Thanks to...
  16. damselz

    Hippo blind, what happened???

    She died today with my other clown. :mad:
  17. damselz

    One of my false percs died for no reason!

    Today the other one died :notsure: :mad: I am so sad and confused. Other fish seem fine though. I did notice that the clown's color looked a little different, like you could actually see his scales, normally he just looked smooth. Any suggestions on what to do from here to prevent...
  18. damselz

    Hippo blind, what happened???

    Salinity is 1.023, Nitrates at 0, temp at 78, ph is 8.1. 40 lbs live sand, 45 lbs live rock. I've had the Tang for about a month, I feed mysis, emerald entree, purple seaweed and I am treating the ich with Kick Ich which was working but now she is blind and color is fading by the hour.
  19. damselz

    Hippo blind, what happened???

    She was doing fine in the 33, we had a power outage and from that point on she wasn't the same.
  20. damselz

    One of my false percs died for no reason!

    Forgot to mention, I added a Sebae Anemone on Friday, could that have done it??