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  1. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    Just wondering. At my house its stays about 65 degrees during the day and then it gets to be in the low 50's at night. Will I need a chiller? Please say no.
  2. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    Doesnt really matter, just nothing to big.
  3. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    The tank also has a 100 gallon rated skimmer but I am wanting to put a bigger one on. Does any1 have any suggestions to which one?
  4. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    Bump?? :happyfish
  5. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    will 2 250 watt metal halides be enough?
  6. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    What lights are you running on your system ngongotaha?
  7. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    There are 2 250W 20k metal halides, those pics are with only the PC lights on.
  8. defect808

    Pics of my new tank

    Just wanted to show you guys a few pics of the tank. Its a 100 Gallon. There is 90# of live rock in now, and Im going to be adding 50# more. Lemme know what you think. Gonna start adding corals in a month.
  9. defect808

    Is this a decent setup?

    What is a W/D? Im new to this. You mean wet/dry filter? All I know is its made for a 150 and it had the bioballs on the left side.
  10. defect808

    small worms with alot of legs

    If you can get them out, go ahead. They make traps for them. Just make sure not to touch them. Good luck. p.s. They are a common hitchhiker and do not really hurt the tank. Some people think they are good for the the tank other think they are bad, so do what you want to do with it.
  11. defect808

    Fire Worm STING

    You have to use vinegar, it dissolves the bristles. As for the peeing thing, I just moved to california from hawaii, and in hawaii we had a lot of poisoness sea urchins. The quick fix way to make the stinging go away while you were at the beach is to pee on it. Does the same thing as the vinegar.
  12. defect808

    small worms with alot of legs

    They shouldnt harm your fish but they can overrun your tank. They can also get to be about 10 inches long.
  13. defect808

    Is this a decent setup?

    Id love to have a fuge, dont know how to set on up tho. I would want it in the stand tho. The skimmer is rated for a 200 gallon aquarium.
  14. defect808

    Help Me! Pretty Please? I'll Take a look at that.
  15. defect808

    Is this a decent setup?

    So you dont think I would need to add any other equipment to the setup?
  16. defect808

    Is this a decent setup?

    It's a 100 gal show tank. Has 90 watt power compact light and 2 - 250 watt metal halides. The filtration is a wet/dry, w/ a Protein Skimmer. 2 powerheads . It has approx. 90 lbs of live rock with at least 2 - 3 inches of live sand. I am wondering if im going to need to put more into the tank...
  17. defect808

    Aiptasia Queston???

    They can kill you fish and other corals, and will reproduce very quickly. Get rid of it fast before it spreads. Do not just rip it off because everything you leave behind will gorw into another one. Good luck and hope you dont have to many.
  18. defect808

    just got a job at a lfs

    Dont need a discount or anything, just wanted to check out the store. Who should I ask for when I go up to the store?
  19. defect808

    just got a job at a lfs

    Im coming up to see you, I live in felton california about 6miles away from you. Setting up my 100gallon in a week. Wanna come check out the store. Whats the name of the store????
  20. defect808

    100 Gallon Reef Stocking List

    Im gonna have some frogspawn, Monti caps, mushrooms, zoo's, rose bubbletip, plate coral and other just cant think of it right now. Thanks for the replies, keep them coming.