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  1. blb9

    Jebo 520 skimmer

    here are some pics of the crap this skimmer pulls off an unstocked(live rock rubble only) 20 gallon. enjoy This is normal wet skimmate, here is some dryer skimmate after i stirred up what detritus was in the tank(not much) and some wet skimmate-
  2. blb9

    Jebo 520 skimmer

    Here is the plumbing- and another shot- You can look for a pipe to pvc elbow that fits 20mm pvc and simplify this.
  3. blb9

    Jebo 520 skimmer

    As you can see, it is in sump. I tried running it external, but there was some leaks where I connected the tube to the inflow pvc, so I run it in sump. You can run it external as long as you is a bunch of pvc cement to attach the metric pvc to standard parts. There were no instructions...
  4. blb9

    Jebo 520 skimmer

    I plumbed my the jebo 520 in today. It's still breaking in, but I love it. Almost no microbubbles or noise. The build is solid and does not leak. A very good buy at 65 dollars. I will post a pic soon.
  5. blb9

    strange creature id? pink fluid shooter?

    My vote- sea hare. Excellent hair algea eaters. Run some carbon to get rid of the pink "ink". However, unless you have tons of hair algea, you might want to trade it in to a fish store.
  6. blb9

    Expert Advice Needed...

    Sorry to drill you, but are the grains sugar sized? Also, I have not had a good experience with Carib-Sea aragonite. Try vacuuming the substrate. Do the sand particles get sucked up? Just give it a try. I looked at your pics, and you have an awesome tank. The rockwork is sweet.
  7. blb9

    Expert Advice Needed...

    I would not vacuum a oolitic (small-grained) sand bed simply because you can't. The sand particles are small enough to be sucked up with the detritus. What you should vacuum are sand beds that have grain sizes approaching crushed coral (2-5mm). Think about it. If a bed has grains big enough to...
  8. blb9

    Expert Advice Needed...

    Check out your sand bed. When you stirr it, does a bunch of detritus come out? If so, you should vacuum the sand bed to get all that crap out. How big are the grains of your sand bed? A deep sand bed must have grains of .1 to 1 millimetere in diameter. I recommend that any sand bed have...
  9. blb9

    Skimmer on an Aquapod? or.. detritus solution?

    I have a 24 gallon jbj nano cube that used to have a similar problem. I could not figure out why my nitrates were constantly above 20ppm,and detritus seemed to flow out of the sand itself. The culprit was, as it turns out, the sand. The aragonite/crushed coral grains were way to big to make a...
  10. blb9

    Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!

    any updates? awesome tank man
  11. blb9

    Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!

    How has the silica sand worked out for you? What type is it? This is such a debated topic, and your input would be great
  12. blb9

    Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!

    Bone, what type of sand is that? has it helped you with nitrates?
  13. blb9

    Nano Refugium

    To get the edge of the tape that straight, use a ruler and a razor blade to cut a square out. Then just peel it off.
  14. blb9

    Nano Refugium

    When I first saw plans for a refugium in the back of a nano cube, people modded small lights in the hood, so the light same from on top. I really wanted a refugium after my last nano attempt was overun with nusience algea. However, I did not really want to put the time or money in to modding...
  15. blb9

    Nano Refugium

    Has anyone here installed a refugium on a nano cube or aquapod? I will show you mine when I get pics.
  16. blb9

    Post your ric Pics!

    Great rics everybody! ***) What lighting do you have your rics under? Mine's under nanocube dx pc lighting. Does strong light bring out thier colors?
  17. blb9

    Post your ric Pics!

    I know many of you, especially efishnsea, have some amazing rics. Lets see them! Here are some of mine-
  18. blb9

    1 month old 28! First Pics!

    Does the anemone expand during the day? If so, it may be a pest anemone. However, pest anemones do not have the swollen tips, and so i think you were right.
  19. blb9

    1 month old 28! First Pics!

    That anemone is actually a white ball mushroom, as you said, Pseudocorynactis sp. "the Corallimorphidae are mostly composed of temperate and deep-water species. The few remaining species that are tropical are sometimes availible to aquarists, but little is known about thier care requirements...
  20. blb9

    Sponge or no sponge

    Most everybody agrees that bioballs and ceramic rings should be taken out in a nano reef, but I have heard mixed opinions about the sponge. :thinking: any input is appriciated.