Search results

  1. yourpalcm

    QT for Jawfish & Gobies?

    Since jawfish like to have a hole in sand to hang out in, and Sand-sifting Gobies like to sift through the do you QT them if your QT tank doesn't have sand in it? I haven't put any fish in my show tank yet....I'm not there yet, so I could put them in first, and if there is a...
  2. yourpalcm

    What order to add these fish?

    Someone else on another board recommended against the Tang. I think I'm going to cut that guy from the list. What if I replaced it with a Auriga/Threadfin Butterfly? > (1) Percula Clown > (1) Auriga/Threadfin Butterfly > (1) Flame Angel > (1) Black Cap Gramma > (1) Cardinal Banggai > (1)...
  3. yourpalcm

    What order to add these fish?

    I'm coming down the home-stretch of having my 75g FOWLR set-up ready for fish. I barely saw a cycle spike with all of the live rock (and a little live sand) in the tank. At 4 weeks I added a bunch of various types of snails and a few hermits, and they did an amazing job on the bit of obvious...
  4. yourpalcm

    Tidepool SOS Overflow - starting it

    OK...I must be missing something obvious. I THOUGHT I followed the directions... * I poured water into overflow until it overflowed into the main chamber of the sump * I then added water to the main tank until the level rose to 1/4" above the teeth of the skimmer box. * I started siphoning...
  5. yourpalcm

    Add snails/critters during cycling or after?

    Setting up my first FOWLR tank... Here's my latest dumb question... When I add my live rock and begin cycling the tank, should I add the critters (snails, crabs, etc) right away or should I wait until the tank has fully cycled?
  6. yourpalcm

    Natural Spring Water - ooops

    Originally Posted by BBB I bypassed this problem and got one off of the big auction site, that hooks up to the hose. Lfs had one like it that went under the sink and was rated at 50 gallons a day for like $270ish. Mine hooks up to the hose and is rated at 75 gallons a day and I got it for...
  7. yourpalcm

    Natural Spring Water - ooops

    Originally Posted by windmill If it's cycling, I wouldn't worry about anything. If you have fish in there, I'd do a noticable water change. If you have coral, they're probably already dead. But you said "new tank" and "filled" so I guess this is just the initial fill? No problems there. When I...
  8. yourpalcm

    Natural Spring Water - ooops

    I don't have an RO/DI unit, but I do live practically next door to a natural spring water place, so I thought I would be doing better than tap water if I filled my new 75g tank with Natural Spring Water. Now I'm reading that Spring Water can be worse than tap water. I've done nothing else so far...
  9. yourpalcm

    My LFS has SEVEN different types of Live Rock...

    My LFS has SEVEN different types of Live Rock... * Tonga Branch * Kaelini * Tonga Slab * Cultured Fiji * Cured Tonga * Nano Rubble Rock * Solomon Island Is there a major difference between any of them (besides the fact that they look a little different)? Is one "better" than another? (FWIW, I'm...
  10. yourpalcm

    Canister Filter - what should be in it?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet For a FOWLR, I wouldn't worry so much about the nitrate stories you hear about canisters. Just fill it up with bio balls or ceramic rings. The nitrate stories are true, but you'll want that extra bio filtration in a FOWLR due to the increased bio load caused by...
  11. yourpalcm

    Canister Filter - what should be in it?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet Yes... hence the problem with canisters. The problem with them is that they create huge amounts of nitrates that must be dealt with... the only ways to get rid of nitrates without resorting to evil chemicals are lots of water changes or a refugium, which you...
  12. yourpalcm

    Canister Filter - what should be in it?

    Setting up my first saltwater tank (75g)... I have a Fluval 404 that I am planning to use from a freshwater tank that has been dismantled. Now I'm reading bad things about canister filters and saltwater tanks. I've read to leave all of the floss out. I've read to leave the bioballs out. I've...
  13. yourpalcm

    Best Hang-On-Back Skimmer?

    I'm actually considering a Deltec MCE600. It's expensive, but it's the one skimmer with glowing reviews across the board. Thoughts?
  14. yourpalcm

    Caribsea Aragonite Aragamax Sugar-Sized Sand - OK????

    Setting up my first saltwater tank (75g)... I got 90 lbs Caribsea Aragonite Aragamax Sugar-Sized Sand (Bag labelled Oolite #00930 whatever that means). There was another size at the LFS that was a bit more corse, but I went with the smaller grains. I figured that would be best for the Jawfish...
  15. yourpalcm

    Best Hang-On-Back Skimmer?

    I am buying everything I need for my first 75g saltwater tank. I already have a Fluval 404 from a freshwater tank I dismantled a while ago, so I was planning to use that and not get a sump system. I just bought a Coralife Super Skimmer 125. I heard it does a great job, and didn't stop to think...
  16. yourpalcm

    Coral Banded Shrimp w/other Shrimp & Crabs?

    I read somewhere that Coral Banded Shrimp shouldn't be kept with other shrimp and crabs. I'd like to get one, but I'd like to also have some cleaner shrimp and hermit crabs. Is that really a problem?
  17. yourpalcm

    Recommended Tank Cleaners

    Originally Posted by HatesSushi You should probably have 1 crab per gallon (assorted) Also links of competitors sites should not be posted on this forum. 1 crab per gallon. Holy moley. Cool. What link?
  18. yourpalcm

    Recommended Tank Cleaners

    I'll be setting up my first 75g fish-only (with Live Rock) aquarium after years of keeping freshwater. Can anyone recommend the best/favorite tank cleaners to purchase (Shrimp, snails, etc.)? I know I shouldn't add them all at once until there's sufficent algae for them to munch on. But (1) how...
  19. yourpalcm

    Cycling a tank with Live Rock?

    Can someone give me an easy to understand procedure for cycling a tank using only Live Rock? I understand you shouldn't start with ALL of your planned LR, but how much to start?
  20. yourpalcm

    Question on Stocking a 75g fish-only tank

    Originally Posted by nicetry The tang will grow larger than 6 inches and is a very active fish. Your tank is not suited to one long term. Swap out the tang for a nice fairy wrasse and you'll have a great set-up with fish you can keep for the long haul. Why not cycle the tank with your live rock...