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  1. saltydogz

    Please help ID

    Thanks for the response. I believe I found a link that describes what I have as Maidens hair. http://www.***********.com/product/p...cfm?pCatId=659
  2. saltydogz

    Please help ID

    Can anyone ID this green algae-like growth? Is this good or bad growth?
  3. saltydogz

    Can anyone ID this hermit crab?

    Somewhat just not as green...maybe its a similar species. Thanks.
  4. saltydogz

    Can anyone ID this hermit crab?

    I bought this guy as a blue legged hermit. He now has greenish legs and is alot larger than the other blue legged crabs I have. He is now about the size of a golf ball (including shell of course). Or are there just too many different types of hermits to be accurate in identifying?
  5. saltydogz

    Reef safe starfish

    Can anyone ID this starfish? Any ideas on whether it is reefsafe or should I take it out?
  6. saltydogz

    People are really this dumb!

    In response to the customers question about what types of freshwater fish can be house with clown fish.....The customer may have seen a saltwater tank with sailfin mollies and clownfish and assumed that the clownfish was in a freshwater tank, not a saltwater one. I've been in petstores before...
  7. saltydogz

    Trouble Raising Calcium

    Thanks for the advise...will see if I can find a Magnesium test kit.
  8. saltydogz

    Trouble Raising Calcium

    Yes I have soft corals and two small Montipora frags. The coralline is doing great....on the glass some, but mostly on the dead base rock and anything plastic in the tank, etc.
  9. saltydogz

    Trouble Raising Calcium

    I'm currently adding ESV B-Ionic, a two part formula to raise Alkalinity and Calcium. I've been adding 10cc daily (per the dosing instructions on the bottle) of each additive. My Alkalinity started at 7 dKH and is now at 9-10dKH. My Calcium is still hovering around the 320ppm mark. My other...
  10. saltydogz

    Peppermint shrimp losing color

    I have one Peppermint shrimp that has been in my tank for about 2 months. He doesn't seem to be as red anymore. Sometimes he even looks kinda clear. Is he not getting enouhg nutrition. I don't see him much because he hides most of the time, but he does come out each evening when I feed the fish...
  11. saltydogz

    Green Montipora truning brown

    My green Montipora turned brown about 1 week after i got it. I left it in the tank just to see how it would do. It's now starting to grow (1 month later) and has attached itself to a rock. Any ideas why it turned brown and will it turn green again? The photo is a month ago before it started...
  12. saltydogz

    ich attack

    I've had excellent luck with Ich Attack myself. It cleared up a severe case of Ich within a week on my Regal and Yellow Tang.
  13. saltydogz

    Reef Safe Ick treatment

    I've had good luck with Ich Attack. Ich Attack treats diseases caused by ich, fungus, protozoans and dinoflagellates. It is safe for use in freshwater, saltwater (including reef and live rock aquariums) and in ornamental ponds.
  14. saltydogz

    Please help ID this hitchhiker

    Thanks for all the quick answers. It seems the little snail may be a safe one. I'll keep him in for awhile and see how he does.
  15. saltydogz

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Anyone know the name?
  16. saltydogz

    Please help ID this hitchhiker

    I found this small snail today in my tank. I'm not sure if I sould leave him alone or take him out. I know there are a million different types of snail, but though I'd try in case someone has seen this one. Any ideas?