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  1. bsd230

    Emperor Bio-Wheel or Canister Filter?

    Really depends on your set-up, really either one will work. Bio-Wheels are great for new tanks with small amounts of live rock and they are good filters for the money. If your tanks has a good amount of live rock then I would go with the canister because it has more flexibility with adding...
  2. bsd230

    Skimmer really needed?

    Having a skimmer will improve the overall quality of the water by removing organic matter. You can get by without one but it will increase the frequency of your water changes. If your skimmer is new, sometimes it can take a few weeks to break-in. Both skimmers I have owned took a week or so to...
  3. bsd230

    alk and ph problem

    Add Seachem reef buffer or Seachem marine buffer to your water when changing or dissolve in a cup of tank water before adding. Most of the time reef salts won't have enough to keep your ph 8.3 or dkh 8-12. I use marine buffer when I need to raise my ph and my alk and use reef buffer when I only...
  4. bsd230

    Sump ?

    a good rule of thumb is about half way maybe just a tad over half. But with partitions you want it to just overflow the first partition.
  5. bsd230

    Canister vs. Bio-Wheel

    I have a 105gallon Reef tank and currently am running 2 Emperor 400s. I was considering taking one of the 400s out and adding a canister filter in it place to free up one back side of my tank. I was wondering if this would improve my filtration? Any advice I would appreciate, I was considering...
  6. bsd230

    Live Sand Question

    Originally Posted by f14peter I haven't done this yet so I can't vouch for it's effectiveness, but once I heard of it I decided to make it my plan-of-action since I'm curing LR in my tank and haven't added sand yet . . . get a PVC pipe maybe one-inch or so inside diameter long enough to reach...
  7. bsd230

    protein skimmer

    After the breakin period you can start really making the proper adjustments. At that time you should be able to adjust it to a point that eliminates most of bubbles and still gets a good skimmate. Check your collection cup regularly, especially at first when your trying to get adjusted.
  8. bsd230

    another salt thread

    I would at least add a calcium supplement. In general you will not have the calcium required for good coral growth in your water. It really benefits corals and coraline algae to have a calcium supplement. I use Calcium Complete by Seachem which has calcium and a few other trace elements, works...
  9. bsd230

    How do you prevent diseases like ich?

    Quarantine any fish at the first sign. If you DON'T have inverts and corals you can treat the tank with copper at the first sign. What causes ich in a lot of fish is temperature change, stress from shipping or fighting. Almost all fish have ich, but if they are not stressed it is not able to...
  10. bsd230

    Best calcium suppliment for coraline algae

    I use Reef Complete from Seachem, seems to work pretty well. I keep my calcium between 400-450.
  11. bsd230

    Green Mushroom vs. Bristleworm

    If your having a lot of bristleworms I would buy a arrow crab they do a great job of controlling them.
  12. bsd230

    hermit crabs vs. snails

    If you keep a little supply of empty shells in the tank, you shouldn't have a big problem with the crabs eating the snails. It helps to feed your crabs a little seaweed a couple times a week tie a piece to a rock with a rubberband, this should keep them well fed and reduce any attacks out of...
  13. bsd230

    lfs sais i was feeding to much?

    I feed a piece of seaweed 3x3in square, in the morning and a cube of shrimp or reef plankton at night. It seems to keep everyone happy and I don't have a problem with algae or nitrates. 105g with a naso tang, sailfin tang, foxface rabbitfish, 2 skunk clowns, chromis, bangai cardinal, about 25...
  14. bsd230

    lost fish in tank

    it's probably dead somewhere behind the rock. If you have a cleaner crew like crabs and brittle stars they will take care of it for you, if not you may want to take a little time to look around behind the rock and get it out. If you don't have a cleaner crew you need to start one. Get cheap...
  15. bsd230

    What is wrong with my hairy mushrooms?

    Try another water change if that doesn't do it you might move them to a different spot. You may have some chemical warfare happening with another coral.
  16. bsd230

    Dead Inverts

    Have you actually tested your water for copper? Have you added any fish that you may have accidentally added the water from the bag? Some fish store treat their water with copper. It definitely sounds like some type of chemical. I would maybe do some 20% water changes a few days apart and maybe...
  17. bsd230

    new sebae anenome

    Some clowns will go into them right away others take a while. It really depends on if the clowns have ever came in contact with anenomes. Some clowns are tank bred and have never seen a anenome but eventually instinct takes over and they will end up going in them.
  18. bsd230

    What Should I do????

    I agree, I would go ahead and bite the bullet and do it now. It will be easier now then when you have corals, fish, and inverts and try to do it. If you have it available try to pump most of your water into a clean trash (a new can just for this purpose) so you can reuse it.
  19. bsd230

    emerald crab question

    Originally Posted by djm31682 This is the third snail I have lost. Will the molt look like a whole crab and be green or will it be clear. I still only see one Yes a molt will look just like the crab. They will tend to hide for a few days after molt until their new shell hardens. Give hime a few...
  20. bsd230

    coral banded shrimp

    They scavange for food but I often will target feed mine with a pair of tongs. I give him a shrimp pellet at night. I just drop it next to him and thats it.