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  1. charles_20

    I Got A Phillip. Morray!!!!!!!!! He Is Sooo Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll through my 2 cents in, here is a picture of my eel. I think these look allot like mine. I have always thought my eel was a Peppered Morey as seen in these links or I would be sure...
  2. charles_20

    Who has the most amount of fish compared to the size of the tank?

    It seems that in Hong Kong, the fish stores are extra stocked. and the tanks that people keep are a little more crowded. I just wish the fish stores here had these prices and selection. Just passing these pic's alone, I have no connection.... Charles
  3. charles_20

    blue throat triggers

    Well , I should have one by Wednesday, I ordered a male off this site. This is my first on-line order. I hope it goes well. I had a clown for 5 years that I lost. If all goes well, I can post a pic. soon. Charles
  4. charles_20

    Monster Morays

    Here is my Peppered Moray ( I call him Eli ) about 24"
  5. charles_20

    Buying a used system

    Since you didn't say how big a one you bought. Depending on how large it is. Use a big level to make sure where you setup is perfectly level. Also depending on size of tank, you might buy a 35 or 45 gal. rubbermaid trash can (the dark grey ones) from Lowes or Home deport. You could pre- make...
  6. charles_20

    Lunare Wrasse

    Well he not like mine, that I have had for 2 weeks. He doesn't stop swimming till the lights go off. He also eats like a pig (silversides,shrimp,nori,scallops) I'm curous about adding another fish after him, I'll have to see how that goes. Here is a pic of him, I really couldn't get a good...
  7. charles_20

    Calibrating refractometer question (m)

    I just got one myself. And I'll admit I just skimmed over the instuctions. But I thought mine said to calibrate it, I needed distilled water to calibrate the device? And that the temp. part is automatic, or keep the refractometer at same temp. as the water and the room. Haha, I was waiting to...
  8. charles_20

    Turboflotor Skimmer Collection cup filling.

    If you have it half way up, you should be good. Now you need to give it time to break-in (or get gunky). and make fine adjustments with the input or output of the water. Mine is in my sump not a hang on model, so think could be a little different. Like I said before I have not restriction on...
  9. charles_20

    Turboflotor Skimmer Collection cup filling.

    I have a turboflotor and I can make it do what your does in the video. BTW, I don't have any adjustment on my air intake line. With the turboflotor you really just have 2 or 3 adjustment you can make. One is thing that affects the hieght or rise of the water is how much of the skimmer is below...
  10. charles_20

    An eel question...

    My peppered Morey (Siderea picta) has never eaten any of my small fish, he is now in the tank with a green chromis and a wrasse and was in the tank for 5 years with a maybe 2" clown fish, and a pepperment shrimp. And he's is about 24in long. charles
  11. charles_20

    An eel question...

    My peppered Morey (Siderea picta) has never eaten any of my small fish, he is now in the tank with a green chromis and a wrasse and was in the tank for 5 years with a maybe 2" clown fish, and a pepperment shrimp. And he's is about 24in long.
  12. charles_20

    Rio 2100 pump bad for a Turboflotor

    welll I went to the LFS today to look at a new rio 2100, it looks exactly the same, but I guess untill I try to put the old impeller. I won't know for sure. I would have bought it at the LFS except it was double what I can buy it off the internet. Thanks guys
  13. charles_20

    Rio 2100 pump bad for a Turboflotor

    Hello I have a turboflotor 1000 and it has a Rio 2100 that the motor went bad. I would like to just replace with another Rio 2100 and reuse the special wheel / impeller. But I trying to find out if Rio has changed the design from the my old Rio 2100 to the new Rio + 2100? Will the old impleller...
  14. charles_20

    Any Pics?

    my clown trigger , rip
  15. charles_20

    And then there was one.....

    Thanks for the compliment , and it was just a sponge from a grocery store.
  16. charles_20

    And then there was one.....

    First time poster. I thought I would post a couple of pic's I took today of my Peppered Moray Siderea picta. I'm posting for a couple of different reasons. One to see if anyone else has a Peppered Moray, I have been to many lfs's and I have...