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  1. nca989


    The T5 I have is a retrofit, which at this point since I have one I might as well finish my lighting with retro's and just build something to put them in. I'm thinking it wouldn't be that hard, and just adding some ventilation and a few high output computer fans would be enough. If I were to go...
  2. nca989


    Thanks ReefkprZ I was starting to get that drift from other posts but wasn't sure. I'm considering returning the 50/50 and getting something else, I've just gotta figure out what. I've also noticed that the compact Fl. bulbs for the coralife are a little on the expensive side compared to the...
  3. nca989


    I'm a little confused on my lighting and I was hoping someone could help me out. I have a Coralife 53008 basically 2x65 50/50 bulbs, and a Helios T5 38W? Is this good lighting? The 38W thing appears brighter or different light than the 50/50's and I don't know whether it's worth having it up...
  4. nca989

    Cycle Levels and Powerheads

    Ok, so much information to take in. I'm not sure what "cured" live rock is, but this came from an established tank, the newest pieces where added in July, in fact most of the pieces have developed the beautiful purples already. I would guesstimate that I added about 40lbs of the sand from that...
  5. nca989

    how long should a tank take to cycle

    So then it's common to have 60+ cleanup critters to keep up with your fish/inverts? Is there a ratio, 3 cleanup per 1 fish/invert or something I can go by? BTW, in case I haven't said so, you guys are soooo much help! I don't know what I would do without you!
  6. nca989

    Cycle Levels and Powerheads

    I have everything setup now and it's been running since Friday. But my levels aren't changing at all. Everything reads 0 with a PH of 8.4, how is it possible that everything is so perfect? does it take longer to start seeing the ammonia spike? I have two damsels, some live rock, and some used...
  7. nca989


    Ok that makes more sense now. Sorry for the ignorant question. One more, I keep reading bad things about the rio's, let alone how darn ugly their presence in the tank is. I was thinking of replacing the Rio 800 and 1700 I acquired with some Maxi-jets, any thoughts?
  8. nca989


    This is an old post but... what are you "covering" the powerheads with?
  9. nca989

    how long should a tank take to cycle

    Those reef packages are huge, wouldn't that immensly limit the amount of fish and others you add later?
  10. nca989

    New tank setup, the right way this time

    Thanks for all the help guys (and gals). I got some weird looks but 3 carts full of water out of walmart, a ton of work and waiting and it's up and running. I need to figure out this powerhead thing. I acquired two of them both Rio's, an 800 and a 1700, I need to do some looking to figure out...
  11. nca989

    how long should a tank take to cycle

    What do you mean by a clean up crew? shrimp, crabs... ? I thought those were supposed to go in after fish... *sigh* so many things to learn!
  12. nca989

    hitchhiker starfish???

    Melev's website? Can you send me a link to that, I'm interested in any information I can find on all these critters....
  13. nca989

    question eels

    What is "marine fises 500+" ? a site or book? I am also trying to figure out who will compatively (is that a word lol?) live together when the time comes. I am looking at getting the Marine Aquarist (sp) book mentioned in another thread.
  14. nca989

    New tank setup, the right way this time

    Hrm, ok, well I'm supposed to be buying a guys whole setup today. Mainly because I wanted his rocks. LOL, that almost sounds dirty if you weren't following the conversation! Hopefully a different skimmer is in the group. And just to clarify, what exactly is the skimmer doing? I know the...
  15. nca989

    New tank setup, the right way this time

    Ok so did you buy distilled or??? If I were to mix the water in some large tubs, it may take me more than one session to get 70 gallons... do you think it's possible or a good idea to use to intake hose from my magnum in the tub and put the output in my tank and pump the water in that way...
  16. nca989

    New tank setup, the right way this time

    :help: :help: :help: :help: Hi all, like many other here, I need some first timer help. Let me start with the story, and what I have, then my questions. This past weekend I bought: 72g bow front glass tank, two part glass top, 48" Coralite #53008 50/50 lighting, Magnum 350 deluxe...