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  1. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    Worked midnights last night just woke up. Okay too many emails and I don't remember who I sent what too. So just call me and it is first come first serve. David Lake 330-232-1632 Leave message if I don't answer.
  2. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    Emails sents...first to pick up is yours, need to get rid of fast. My water quality sucks. Torch and frogspawn went back to the LFS because they looked real bad. I am thinking 125 for everything. Also I have a mysis eating mandarin as well.
  3. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    bump Selling whatever anyone wants. Need to come quick or it is going away.
  4. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    See post #1 my zip code is 44641, I am in Louisville, Oh about 10 minutes east of the Pro Football hall of fame.
  5. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    If noone buys all by Sunday then I will start parting it out. I can get rid of it in any order but will be hard to get the fish with the rock still in there.
  6. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    Also I will not ship. Too much of a hassle as I do not have any of the supplies to ship.
  7. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    I am looking to get a 150 for everything (live stock, rock, corals), also not mentioned is toadstool leather and finger leather. So if someone wants to give me 150 for everything it is yours. Also I will get rid of super skimmer 220, about 3 months old with spare pump shaft.
  8. fbm

    Getting out....Ohio

    I am kicking the idea of getting out of the reef and going back to the fresh planted tank. To much time and money for reef and no matter what I do something changes and causes me more problems. Just getting rid of livestock no equipment. 80 pounds liverock or so 2 scarlet skunk shrimp 1 cbs 3...
  9. fbm

    Anybody on here from around cleveland?

    I live in Louisville, work in Brecksville.
  10. fbm


    I have a bubble tip under mine. I have only had him about 4 months, and one of those months he was missing. But in the last 3 months he has doubled or more in size and beautiful color.
  11. fbm

    Adding Calcium?

    That web site I posted has no links or advertisement that I could find anywhere. If there is one I apologize but I did look.
  12. fbm

    Adding Calcium?

    Here is a chart from the archives.... Alkalinity__Alkalinity____Alkalinity_____Calcium (meq/L)____(dKH)___(ppm CaCO3)__(ppm Ca++) --0.0 [hr] 0.0 [hr] 0 [hr] 360 --0.5 [hr] 1.4 [hr] 25 [hr] 370 --1.0 [hr] 2.8 [hr] 50 [hr] 380 --1.5 [hr] 4.2 [hr] 75 [hr] 390...
  13. fbm

    Tropic Marin- Sea Salt or Pro Reef?

    Suposedly it is better for reefs with more trace minerals and calc and mag. I say if you are willing to spend that much on salt, why not the few bucks more for the reef salt? JMO I will probably try it after I run out of reef crystals.
  14. fbm

    RO Water...really, absolutely, can't live w/o necessary?

    I thought the same thing you did. I was spending a ton more money than I thought it would cost, so I started to skimp. And everything I have skimped on has cost me more money replacing junk than if I would of just bought the good stuff to start with. I would go with the RO/DI because then...
  15. fbm

    DIY Chemicals....

    Thanks...I have found tons of info on this. I was having computer troubles last night and I couldn't find anything.
  16. fbm

    Do you account for displacement for water change?

    I don't. I figure the more the better.
  17. fbm

    3 questions need help with

    1) I generally read the sand sifting stars are a bad idea. You hardly ever see them and they eat all the beneficial stuff in your sand leaving you with a dead sand bed and eventually a dead star. Peppermin shrimp are probably attacking him, maybe he is sick/dying dunno. Maybe they are camel...
  18. fbm

    how long does it take for a skimmer to start working?

    IME usually right away (within hours) but it takes several days to become reliable where the bubble level will remain constant. I had a seaclone 100 and it worked spuradically at best. Was never reliable and I did most of the mods you could do on it before given up and getting a different one.
  19. fbm

    Red Slime Help Needed

    Everything here with the exception of using chemicals is the best route. What fixed mine was switching to ro/di water and increased flow. However I have been thinking of cutting back some flow because I think the main cause was my water.
  20. fbm

    New lights too blue

    You could just change the 12k bulb to 10k and see how you like that. That should whiten/yellow it up some.