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  1. kymbra

    Spy Reef has new and improved pictures

    I have really wanted to say this for a long time. WHO REALLY CARES!!!!!!! I think you are rude and full of yourself! But.... I guess I can understand that being in the Military and all. I personally think you discourage alot of people on this message board rather than help them. You come...
  2. kymbra

    Just a few identifications please!

    What does a copod look like? I have a lr with mushrooms on it. I have a snail looking thing that moves around, but never leaves the rock. I also, (on the same rock) have a strang thing that has two holes. Looks like a blob with two holes that open and close. It is always the same size...
  3. kymbra

    The copepods are cool but what the heck is THAT THING?!?!

    I also have the same in my tank. They are baby starfish. I was at a lfs and saw the same thing and that is what they told me. They will hang out in that whole till they are too big for it. I assume that they will then move to a bigger whole till they are big enough not to be someones dinner...
  4. kymbra

    Who's pickin' on who?

    Just a few questions on who can pick on who? I had 2 peppermint shrimp, and they are now gone. The only thing that was added new is a long tenical and a green bubble anenome. I think the long tenical eat them. Have you ever heard of this? Also, I belive my arrow crab is munching on my yellow...
  5. kymbra

    Coroline algea???

    My tank has been up and running for about 3 months now and everything is looking great! I don't have much coroline algea growing yet. I do add calcium and I have been using reef solution. Everything seems to be really happy and thriving, but no beautiful purple algea yet. Does this take long...
  6. kymbra

    what do you guys get out of this hobbie??

    Besides always being amazed by the beauty of saltwater fish, it happens to be the only time of my day that is peaceful. When you can look at a new tank that is cycling and has nothing but live rock for over 3 hrs, you are hooked. My tank is never the same. Every day something is new or...
  7. kymbra

    New Mushroom

    I just got a new Mushroom today, My first may I add. Just wondering how long after you get them do they open up? Also, what are some opinions on what is the best to feed them? :rolleyes:
  8. kymbra

    How's the 'Reef Solution' Product working???

    I also read the rave reviews earlier. I questioned my favorite LFS guy and he uses it in his tank and swears by it. I havent tried it yet, but I am going to. ;)
  9. kymbra

    Just made $50

    Isn't it amazing what we will all do for a nice new addition to our tanks??? I will just about do anything for a little extra cash. I really need to get a part time job at my LFS. LOL :D
  10. kymbra

    Brown Guck

    I'm still new at this, so I may be wrong on the name. I got 3 red striped snails and in a day, every bit of brown algae was gone. These guys are truly amazing.
  11. kymbra


    What is a sump? I have heard a lot of you talk about this. Don't want to sound stupid, but I am still new. Thanks! :confused:
  12. kymbra

    A few more rookie questions.......

    Ray, I actually live in Katy. What part of Katy do you live in? I am in Old Katy. What lfs do you recomend?
  13. kymbra

    A few more rookie questions.......

    also..... what is ich? :confused:
  14. kymbra

    A few more rookie questions.......

    I have had my tank about 3 weeks now. I have been reading and reading, and have learned quite a bit from all of you. Just a few suggestions is what I am looking for. I have a 50 gal with about 30 lbs of LR. The bottom has about 21/2 inches of CC. I have a wet dry filter with a protin...
  15. kymbra

    Tiny White Things

    I too have tiny white things. Mine are on the live rock. There is only one rock with them on it. They look like pieces of cotton. They do take the shape of a small bug. Is this the same thing? or something different?
  16. kymbra

    Feather duster massacre

    I almost had a murder myself. I bought a chocolate chip starfish before I started reading about what is good in a reef tank, and He tried to eat my feather duster. I am trading him tomorrow. I can't deside which one to trade for though.... Blue or Red? What do you think? I am very new at all...