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  1. wright824

    strange thing growing on rock

    Ok, you posted the same time i did.. i will remove the rock and pop them off and scrub. thanks. luckly it is on one rock right in front of the tank
  2. wright824

    strange thing growing on rock

    Should i remove them. take the rock out and scrape them off or just get the crabs? I have, i think they were called, scarlet crabs. they have red claws.
  3. wright824

    strange thing growing on rock

    Hello everyone, i haven't been around in awhile but my tank is doing great. have not had any fish loss and everything is doing fine. I do have something strange growing on one of my rocks. they are green and shiney and look like bubbles (i think they look like glass balls). They are only...
  4. wright824

    sea hares? anyone know anything?

    got mine tuesday. I was suprised ow big it was I thougt i was going to be a small thing. right away it went to work on my rocks with hair algea. now it is working on my glass. Hummm maybe it was starved first before i got it?! Its weird looking but if it keep the hair aglea under controll I...
  5. wright824

    ro/di storage life

    The t valve is some thing to look into but first i need to but this in a perment place. right now hubby has a fit when he can't use the bathroom sink. we have our washer hooked up also in there and i bought a Y conector so i can keep the cold water to the washer and then have the other side go...
  6. wright824

    sea hares? anyone know anything?

    i am getting one tuesday. i am hoping it will take care of my hair algae. i really don't want to tear apart my rock work and disrupt my mushrooms and polyps. i just got them. i don't think it would do them any good to up set them so soon. I was also told to cut my light back by half until...
  7. wright824

    ro/di storage life

    Originally Posted by Hurt You can drink it, it just has no taste at all. All the Ca, flouride, and any other elements have been taken completely out of the water making it almost 100% pure. This is good and bad, depending on how you look at it. Ca of course, does a body good :thinking: , and...
  8. wright824

    feeding fish, inverts, mushrooms and Polyps

    thanks for all your input.. any one else??
  9. wright824

    feeding fish, inverts, mushrooms and Polyps

    I would like to hear from all who have these in their tanks i am not sure what i should be feeding and if i am feeding too much. right now i have 1 royal gamma 2 clowns (picking up monday) 2 chromis 1 gobby 2 cleaner shrimp 6 nass. snails 4 scarlet crabs 3 turbos 3 cerith snails mushrooms (are...
  10. wright824

    ro/di storage life

    does anyone know how long you can store ro/di water for. either for drinking or for using in the tank (salt and non salt). I was just wondering. my kids think it tastes better i was going to fill some empty gallon milk jugs with it but i don't know how long it will last
  11. wright824

    15 day guarantee

    I have always emailed them right away that way they have (and I do) a record of when the fish died and they also know to expect it. I have never had a probem doing it that way so i would suggest emailing them and letting them know
  12. wright824

    Is this hair algae

  13. wright824

    Is this hair algae

  14. wright824

    Is this hair algae

  15. wright824

    Is this hair algae

    Thanks for all the info. i did my first water change with the ro/di water. I did a 10% change. should i wait a week or should i for another one in a couple of days? I am going to try the sea hare also and see what happens i started trying to clean the rocks anyway. i have my daylight...
  16. wright824

    Is this hair algae

    Originally Posted by Symon I agree with all of this, But once hair alge gets a foothold, it can be very hard to beat, I got a sea hare , and magic it's gone! Is a sea hare reef safe and non agressive?
  17. wright824

    Powerhead and bubbles

    powersweep 228 270 gph
  18. wright824

    Powerhead and bubbles

    all the bubbles are aimed directly up to the top with the powerhead and it is maybe 3 inches from the top. It just doesn't seem to move the top of my water very much with out the bubbles?. My fish don't seem as sluggish since i have the top moving more with the bubbles
  19. wright824

    Powerhead and bubbles

    I was always told that a marine tank should not have bubbles. I have a reef and 3 powerheads. all three heads came with a clear tube and a little black thing that goes on top of it (venturi valve?) any way, when i put this on the heads blow bubbles. i have one head at the top of my tank with...
  20. wright824

    Is this hair algae

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 can u list your lighting and water perameters , also what size tank and inhabitants including inverts , is it a reef or a fish only? 40-44g corner tank 40-45 lbs of live fugi rock 5 pounds of tonga branch 40 lbs of live sand 1 heater (will be getting a second for...