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  1. inawe

    Ready for corals?

    Are there any general rules to follow in prep for adding corals? Water prams? Age of tank? etc... My tank is a little over a month, prams are all 0, calcium is 460ppm (by my testing...I think). What else? What are some good beginner corals that can be well supported by PC's?
  2. inawe

    help! To much heat is Saturday...mostly sunny and VERY high humidity!!! First day it hasn't rained at my house in 11+ days.
  3. inawe

    help! To much heat

    I live in East heat wave here! We are dealing with record low temps and catching up on our rain we lost in our 2 year drought, and according to the lake levels, we've caught up! It has been in the 80's for the past 2 or 3 weeks! Even so, we keep our AC set at 74.
  4. inawe

    help! To much heat

    Thanks, ya'll for the help. My plan...go to HD for a plastic shield for my lights, take off the glass top, put on eggcrate, add fans if necessary!!!
  5. inawe

    help! To much heat

    No plastic cover. It is a Coralife PC retrofit.
  6. inawe

    help! To much heat

    If I take the glass top off, what about my lights? My canopy is 8 inches high, so my lights are probably about 6 inches from the water. Is this going to be a problem?
  7. inawe

    help! To much heat

    I like the fan idea. Are there any certain kind of fans? What am I looking for?
  8. inawe

    help! To much heat

    Just when I think I have it all problem. The temp in my tank is running between 80 and 82. This is no heater...just my lights. I have a canopy with coralife PC's - about 120w, and a glass cover on the tank. Is this to much? what are my options?
  9. inawe

    Help with diatoms!!!!!!!!!

    Help with diatoms, All wates prams are zero, 75g has been running for about i month- about 30+ lbs LR, 30-40 lbbase rock, 40 lb LS, 30g refugium. Almost overnight i had a rather large diatom bloom. What can i do to get this under control? If it matters, I cycled with the LR, LS and raw shrimp. I...
  10. inawe

    The luckiest person ever.

    I've gotta put in my 2 cents...just remember...along the lines of the karma thing...what goes around comes around...ALWAYS!
  11. inawe

    What is the best in-sump skimmer for a 75g?

    I currently have a ProClear rated for a 75g. Unless someone can convince me time will cure the microbubbles it is causing, I want to get something else. My tank is about 3 weeks. I spent 2 weeks getting OUT microbubbles. Licked that problem , then hooked up my new skimmer...the ProClear...
  12. inawe

    Oh, plleeezzz! More bubbles

    Alll I saw for the Remora is a hang-on. Do they make an in-sump?
  13. inawe

    Oh, plleeezzz! More bubbles

    Just when I thought I had it figured out... More micro bubbles from hell...I changed some plumbing and went with a Quiet One 2200 pump...TADA! No more bubbles. Than I added a skimmer yesterday and every bubble I had worked so hard at eradicating for the last 2 weeks came BACK! The skimmer is...
  14. inawe

    waiting for cycle???

    Thanks, ya'll, for the info. As I said, I don't intend to add any fish for a few more weeks. I want there to be NO problems as I am kind of attached to my 2 fish and shrimp. Until then, I will just happily feed my dead fish and enjoy my empty tank!!!
  15. inawe

    waiting for cycle???

    I did not kill the blenny. My LFS gave me an already DEAD fish. A year ago I was uneducated on starting a tank...I cycled my first tank with a LIVE fish. It started the cycle very fast, spiked very high, drove me nuts, and long after my tank stablized, my poor fish died. I have done a lot of...
  16. inawe

    waiting for cycle???

    I set up my new tank about 17 days ago and the most I get on ammonia spike is .25. No cloudiness...nothing . In trying to take care of water surges and micro bubbles, I have messed with it some, but it has been running, for the most part, non-stop. 40 lbs live sand 20 lbs sand 30 lbs live...
  17. inawe

    Fewer bubbles but replaced with water surges...please help

    The tank is All-Glass and the overflow is MegaFlow by All-Glass. If I take off the elbow, should I put something over the opening as a prefilter?
  18. inawe

    Fewer bubbles but replaced with water surges...please help

    That makes sense. So, where are the surges/noise coming from? Using the pic above, that is the water level the majority of the time, however, about every 20 seconds or so this level in the overflow drops from there to about half way above the hole (in other words, it drops about 3/4 inch) all...
  19. inawe

    Fewer bubbles but replaced with water surges...please help

    Between responses here and reading other posts, I have come to the conclusion that the surges in my overflow are primarily due to the fact that my pump is trying to push about 800g through an overflow made for only 600g...thoughts?
  20. inawe

    Return pump and plumbing question

    At the present time I have a Mag 9.5 in my new 75g and am working on getting rid of my "in-house hurricane"! Like you, I only need about 3 feet of lift, so I figure I have a flow rate of somewhere around 800gph! The gushing noise from the overflow is terrible, probably because I'm trying to...