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  1. inawe

    Coralife 130 watt Retrofit PC w/Bulbs...Texas

    Find it and it's sold! :cheer:
  2. inawe

    I Hate This Addiction

    HA! I agree wholeheartedly! I currently have a 37g, and am in the process of getting a 75, however, I am also planning ahead, knowing I still won't be satisfied :thinking:! A friend is building the stand to match my cabinets in the house, but I am having it built to hold a 125 ! I know going...
  3. inawe

    pH question...please advise

    I am not sure what dKH is. The test strip is Mardel. I think I'll take another water sample in today. Probably get another person to check...which is usually the case. This time I'll ask specifically about the alk. And since my test strip shows high alk, I should add a buffer? Any specific...
  4. inawe

    New Tank stock list

    He/she has a coral beauty listed. I like my sixline wrasse a lot and my LMB for the bottom of the tank. He's fun to watch! :happyfish
  5. inawe

    pH question...please advise

    1. How does your Alkalinity test out? Or your dKH as they are the same thing. If you are testing the dKH you should be right around 11. I'm guessing your system will be low somewhere around 8 or 9. If the alkalinity is low that can drive the ph down. If this is the case then you can use a...
  6. inawe

    Coralife 130 watt Retrofit PC w/Bulbs...Texas

    And where can I find JUST a reflector? I've hunted and the only thing I've found is whole retro kits.
  7. inawe

    pH question...please advise

    I've been doing about 5% water changes on my 37g every 1-2 weeks. I am religious with water tests and they are typically good. However, I took a sample to the lfs today (due for a water change this weekend). All looks good except the pH. It has dropped to 7.6. In less than 2 weeks??? What...
  8. inawe

    callin all Texans

    Originally Posted by pooch1 Hey, Checking in from Longview..1 hour west of LA. I moved here 6 months ago from Tampa and haven't re-set up my 150 yet because I only have a PET** and a local store that carries expensive junk. I am even willing to drive into LA to find a good store. How is the...
  9. inawe

    Need Help w/ stock list.. 37 gal.

    I bought a sixline about 3 weeks ago. It was recommended to me a while back on this site, and like you, looking at pictures, I wasn't sure if I liked it. But then I saw her at the lfs...beautiful colors :happyfish ! Very active, too. I'm really glad I brought her home. At first she was...
  10. inawe

    Coralife 130 watt Retrofit PC w/Bulbs...Texas

    As of today, no. Right now I have a 37g, but am going to replace it this summer with hopefully a 75, but at least a 55g. A friend is going to build the stand and canopy. Other than the canopy, what else would be needed?
  11. inawe

    Help on vitamins for inverts?

    I've read conflicting posts and need guidance, please. What vitamins (or other) do I need to add to water for healthy inverts or fish? I've seen some that seem to swear by additives, and others say if commercial salt mix is used, it has all you need. However, I am now questioning this as my...
  12. inawe

    Coralife 130 watt Retrofit PC w/Bulbs...Texas

    Ok. Help me out here. I am confused on the "retrofit kits". I am new at all the SW stuff, and VERY undereducated on the light issue. I am not sure if this is something I could use, but $60 sounds good if it is! I currently have a 30 inch twin tube fluorescent strip-light. The bulbs are...
  13. inawe

    Do we all always feel this way?

    Really sorry about your tank . I'm with all others here...don't give up. Lightening rarely strikes the same place twice! Your next tank will be bigger and better!!! :cheer:
  14. inawe

    Gorrilla Crab????

    I found one also a couple of weeks ago...haven't been able to catch him. Scary looking!
  15. inawe

    I Got Him!!!

    Thanks, reefkprZ. Spring Break is next week :cheer: ...I'll work on the pics!
  16. inawe

    callin all Texans

    Wow! 2 of us from Tyler! We could start our own club!
  17. inawe

    Sponge? Maybe? Pics inside.

    What is all the green stuff growing?
  18. inawe

    I Got Him!!!

    On the food thing, I was worrying for nothing. He loves the Omega One with garlic (bumped into Bubbles to get the last bite fluttering down) and is OK with the Seaweed Salad. I will start posting a few pics when I learn how to resize them AND how to attach.
  19. inawe

    I Got Him!!!

    DH is dear husband. And fish are ssooo cool! I've only had my tank a few months, but wanted one for 25 years...this is the best thing in the house! I wanted it for it's beauty, but never dreamed I'd see so much personality...from the shrimp dancing upside down hanging from the rock to the...
  20. inawe

    I Got Him!!!

    Thanks to all the encouraging words, I bought my LMB! :cheer: He is sssooo cute! My daughter and I wanted the name Grinning Glynn, but my DH wanted George... so he is Gorgous George! As soon as he went in, everyone had to come investigate the "new kid in the tank"! He wasn't sure he really...