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  1. lanceafer

    DeMartini's 8 gallon BioCube

    Awesome frags! I feel your pain Volitan fa, my lfs is about 40 minutes away and it sucks. The only good one I know of is about 2 hours away. New York really is a frozen hell but i digress. I was wondering what kind of light do you have on your new tank. I got a 6 gal eclipse that was too cheap...
  2. lanceafer

    Whats you'r SG

  3. lanceafer

    Attacing Frogspawn Help!!!

    I have heard from many people that you should use Super Glue Gel. Take out the frag and the rock you want to attach it to. pat dry the spot the glue will go on and then glue to two together. Coral can be out of the water for quite some time so don’t worry if it takes a few minutes to get it dry...
  4. lanceafer

    Dead Blue Xenia

    I tried e-mailing this twice on 2 different days but both times it came back to me saying that it was unable to send to the address. I’m not sure what I should do now. Is there any way to contact them before my 15 days are up? I’m not going to be happy if I’m forced to eat $40. I received my...
  5. lanceafer

    air stone??????

    Another reason you dont want them....salt creep. I had a 20 gal tank years back and we had some air stones. They made the back of the tank look nice and hid all the wires. after about a week we found rivers of salt down the back of the tank. It got to the piont that once a day we would scrap off...
  6. lanceafer

    Heniochus Butterfly going crazy?

    I’m at work right now so I don’t have the exact readings. I tested everything on Monday (bi-weekly test) and everything was perfect except that the salinity was a bit high I think around 1.028. It was due to evaporation so I added some water to bring it to 1.025. Its a 55 gal tank with a 20 gal...
  7. lanceafer

    Heniochus Butterfly going crazy?

    I was just given a tank as a gift about a month and a half ago. The move was fine there was no dieoff and little stress to the fish. All in all things went great. But tonight as i fed the fish I noticed that the heniochus is going crazy. He is swiming all over and picking on the firefish. at...
  8. lanceafer

    What do you do for a living?

    I’m a graphic designer at Cornell University. Kind of a jack of all trades at the moment. When we get some more funding and staff I will focus mainly in 3d modeling and animation. We make teaching material for vet students and the public. One of the projects we are working on now is expanding...
  9. lanceafer

    Yellow Clown Gobies Wont Eat

    I have seen people make mention to soaking them in garlic. What exactly do you mean? I got the tank from a friend who has had it for about 5 years. She gave me some garlic flakes that I have yet to feed to the fish. Do I mix them together in a bowl of water first? Or buy some minced garlic to...
  10. lanceafer

    Yellow Clown Gobies Wont Eat

    No. They were in a tank with about 6 other gobies.
  11. lanceafer

    Yellow Clown Gobies Wont Eat

    I bought 2 Yellow Clown Gobies 2 days ago and they won’t eat. They just hide in the leather finger coral and watch the food go by. They seem healthy and move around a lot. I haven’t seen anything pick on them. Am I missing something? I know they are meat eaters and I was giving them meaty foods...
  12. lanceafer

    Check what I picked up this week.

    The fist saltwater take I owed had one of them in lasted for about a year. Then I gave up when I lost EVERYTHING. I’m just getting back into it now. I don’t want to tell you what to but I would really recommend taking that back.
  13. lanceafer

    RO/DI Question

    Thanks for the link I think I might go for the Typhoon 5-stage unit from [hr] . Also I haven’t been to Cooperstown in about 8-9 years. I am from Central NY though. Just out of curiosity how did he come about with the name Lanceafer. I got mine because a friend said I’m so lucky I must have...
  14. lanceafer

    RO/DI Question

    I know I need to buy an RO/DI unit but my head is spinning with all the choices. Is there one you guys might recommend? It will be a 55-65 gallon tank. I have a Water softener that will be filtering the water prior to the Ro unit. Last thing I was thinking I would try to keep it to $200. If you...
  15. lanceafer

    Can I use a water softener?

    I had planed to put it after the softener like you said TurningTim. But I was kind of hoping you guys would tell me I could same $100-200 on an RO unit......oh well :)
  16. lanceafer

    Can I use a water softener?

    That’s what I was thinking. She has every other thing I have ever seen. She wanted to keep the RO unit though because she has a fresh water tank as well. So I figured I might as well do it right the first time and not have to back track.
  17. lanceafer

    Can I use a water softener?

    It is either a 55 or 65 she cant remember and a 20 gal refugum (sorry I cant spell that). By the way thanks for the fast response. It was like 20 seconds.....literally!
  18. lanceafer

    Can I use a water softener?

    Can I use a water softener for a reef tank? I’m new to the hobby and cant find anywhere if it’s ok to use just a water softener or not. I am getting the tank from a friend who dose not have the time to care for it anymore and she cant bear to see it neglected any longer. It is a well established...