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  1. oak

    50 Gallon Stocking List

    Yeah thanks, I didn't realize that everything except the lawnmower was red. The lemonpeel looks it would be a good substitute. I think I'll get it.
  2. oak

    50 Gallon Stocking List

    Sure, will do thanks for the reply.
  3. oak

    50 Gallon Stocking List

    I was wondering if these fish would be okay together in a 50g reef or if its too many fish. A firefish, a flame angel, a cinnamon clown, and lawnmower blenny. I've had expeirence with each fish except the flame angel. (Oh and I know there can coral nipping with the angel) And any useful info...
  4. oak

    Metal Halides

    I was going to set up a 20g reef very soon and wanted to retrofit the Metal halide lighting. The tank demensions are 30" by 12" by 12". I am going to have two 70 watt fixtures or one 250 watt. Which would be better ? My concern about the 250 would be if it would cover the entire tank completly...
  5. oak

    Reef Tank Lighting:How much is too much

    Well that's great, I geuss that means that I can order my fixture. Thanks alot
  6. oak

    Going to try a.....

    Well I got a scooter blenny to axcept mysis by putting some in a turkey baster close to his mouth and he ate about 5 of them. It might be different with a mandarin. I wouldn't recomend it either way but you could ask the guy at the LFS to feed it some mysis, if it eats you should be okay with...
  7. oak

    established 55g want to re-aquascpae

    I've gotten this dust you speak but I only top-off with distilled. I believe that the dust is very fine sand (which gets stuck on the diatoms making it apear brown) but is easily cleaned with a turkey baster or just a powerhead. My filter eventually sucked up all the dust and my rock is clean...
  8. oak

    Reef Tank Lighting:How much is too much

    I was wondering how much light is to much? I was setting up a new 30g reef tank (with some baby maxima or crocea clams) and was wondering how much light is two much? I found a afordable MH light with PCs and it was 380 watts which is 12.6 watts per gallon. I thought that was too much and don't...
  9. oak

    LED lighting be an advance?

    Coffee is good. I have some awsome $50 led moonlights that have the same shimmer affect as metal halides except at night (the brand is called "blue moon glow" I think). So I would asume that they can soon make Leds just as good as Metal Halides soon.
  10. oak

    Nano's and beginer's

    I to have a 12gallon nano that I started out with. I so far havn't had any casualties do to the water conditons being to unstable. About 1 1/2 years so far. It is to me just a little more difficult than freshwater. Only I keep docile and easy to keep fish and inverts though.
  11. oak

    Question about Carbon

    Three pros and two cons. (That I know of. There may be more.) Pros are it removes odor discolortion and impurities. Cons are if left to long in a tank it can start to put the impurities back in the tank and it can absorb treatments in quarintine tanks.
  12. oak

    Automatic Fish Feeder

    So do you know one that does work and is not a piece of ditritus?
  13. oak

    Automatic Fish Feeder

    Yum coffee, okay guys/gals I need a automatic fish feeder in less than 3 days to feed a single zebra goby 4 large blue leg hermit crabs (in 1" turbo snail shells) a sea conch and a Strawberry Crab for 10 days. So does anybody know any good and accurate automatic fish feeder preferably with no...
  14. oak

    Coral questions

    I was going to order some corals but wanted to make sure they were okay for my tank first. It is a 12 gallon nano (it really only has 5 gallons of water) with about 30 watts of T-5 lights a fire fish a lawn mower blenny and a few crabs. I wanted to get a pipefish once I have much more experience...
  15. oak

    Power Compact or T5......

    They are smaller have a higher lumen output per watt and make less heat. I have three over my 12 gallon and they work great.
  16. oak

    Noisy Filter

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX look at the impeller and make sure it isnt cracked or damaged in any way. that is the only other option if the others didnt work. hey try one more thing take it completely apart impeller and all out of the unit and plug it up there shouldnt be any sound from it...
  17. oak

    Noisy Filter

    I just to cleaned it and it didn't make it sound any better. Have any other ideas?
  18. oak

    Noisy Filter

    Can someone help me please. It sounds like a swarm of really noisy bees.
  19. oak

    Noisy Filter

    I just got a "Whisper" power filter for my 30 gallon. It is extremely noisy it sounds like a swarm of bees. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to make it queiter. I had one for a 10 gallon and couldn't hear a thing. Can someone tell me what might be wrong. Could it be defective or...
  20. oak

    lights for sale

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox $30 I could work with. Sorry guys, i'll find out the shipping ASAP I will definitely buy it then. You can email me at to discuss the details. Thanks