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  1. deep_sea_denni

    Calling all Super Reef Octopus 5000 skimmer owners

    I have a SRO 5000 and I am trying to get better performance what dept do you have your pump in your sump right now I have it a 5 inches . any input is appreciated.
  2. deep_sea_denni


    As long as you add them at the same t ime and your tank is large enough I have 6 in my 265 2 pairs and two "nomads"
  3. deep_sea_denni

    Need skimmer advice

    Does anyone know the difference if any from the regular octopus to the XP cone ones other that $160 for the 300 gal XP
  4. deep_sea_denni

    Need skimmer advice

    I just ordered a Super Reef Octopus 3000SRO-3000INT
  5. deep_sea_denni

    Need skimmer advice

    thanks for the info ithink I a msold on the Octopus
  6. deep_sea_denni

    Need skimmer advice

    the sump is a 125 gallon tank
  7. deep_sea_denni

    Need skimmer advice

    i am setting up a 265 gallon tank FOWLR and I am not sure what skimmer to use I am leaning towards octopus or asm any input will help I got 700 to spend.thanks guys/gals
  8. deep_sea_denni

    Question for those of you who performed hypo for ich recently......

    I have tried many treatments for ick over the last 10 years. Hypo just doesn’t work for me I run copper in QT for treating ick, flukes, ect. ect along with an antibiotic. My tank water quality declines when in hypo and skimmers are ineffective and to do 30 gallon water changes every week is a...
  9. deep_sea_denni

    copper question.

    Copper Power is a chelated copper sulfate similar to coppersafe I have used it in the past when I couldnt find coppersafe it works well but good luck trying to find a test kit for chelated copper sulfate ....but since you started hypo just a fyi
  10. deep_sea_denni

    Red Band Syndrome

    Yep I tried all the treatments mentioned in that article (I read the same one) but to no avail maybe the disease is to far advanced when I begin to treat.
  11. deep_sea_denni

    Red Band Syndrome

    Over the last several months I have lost 15 green chromis to what I have found is called Red Band Syndrome which is caued by the protozoan Uronema. I have lost these fish while still in QT and have had no luck treating this disease. I have tried fresh water dips and copper as well as many types...
  12. deep_sea_denni

    losing my mind? on again off again Ick

    yes. I qt and treat all my fish with copper for 1 month before they go into the main tank. I havent had an outbreak in a few months I think the last was halloween so I think I may have just jinxed myself. I have 7 other species of tang in the tank the 2 that usually show signs are the powder...
  13. deep_sea_denni

    losing my mind? on again off again Ick

    I have had the same issue I have been fighting ick for almost a year now I know the culprit is the powder blue I assume he introduced the ick into my tank even though i kept him in qt for a month with copper. some of the fish will show no sign of ick while others will i do not add chemicals and...
  14. deep_sea_denni

    yellow tang an sailfin tang

    I doubt it....right now I have 1 yellow tang, 1 purple tang, 1 chevron tang, 1 powder blue, 1 blue morph, 1 red sea sailfin tang, 1 kole tang in a 125 waiting for the 265 to cycle and i have no issues
  15. deep_sea_denni

    Fix leak

    my local fish store said he would reseal it for $125.00 so I guess if I fail at it I can get it resealed by a pro.... 125 is better than $1000 for a new tank ill update progress wish me luck
  16. deep_sea_denni

    Fix leak

    no not yet I dont want to get my hopes up. Once I get the leak fixed and I am 1000000% it wont leak again I will start stocking with fish.
  17. deep_sea_denni

    Fix leak

    thanks for the info guys I am going to try it after the holidays and if I fail I guess I'll have to fork over the cash to get it done I have always wanted monster tank like this. 265 just imagine what I can put in that.
  18. deep_sea_denni

    Fix leak

    yes it is on the seam so do you think it is worth repairing?
  19. deep_sea_denni

    Fix leak

    Hey guys and gals I have a issue that I dont know how to fix we have a 265 perfecto tank that has a leak I bought it used and I have never fixed a leak it is coming from the bottom of the tank can I pick your brains and get some info on how to fix the leak. Thanks Dennis
  20. deep_sea_denni

    125 fish tank 4-sale everything u need for a tank

    did you sell the tank yet?