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  1. manncoler

    never hand feed your eels

    Not for the squeamish
  2. manncoler

    Hunting Rifle

    not to bad i made it into hamburger and mixed it with my deer i got this year. but still good. when he shot it it fell like 300 yards so 1 of the hinds was messed up really good.
  3. manncoler

    Hunting Rifle

    we use a 308 bolt. and it we have killed moose, goats, deer, elk, sheep ect... and it seems to be working for us. here is a pic of my little bros goat he got this year.
  4. manncoler

    Can i pick off majesto?

    try joe's juice it seems to work for me
  5. manncoler

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    i hope you never have to move that thing. but the is one very very nice tank.
  6. manncoler

    feather duster??

    there was about 5 or so and they werelike 1-2 in long
  7. manncoler

    feather duster??

    i had my feather duster die today and i dont know why. yesterday something dug it up so i put him back in the sand and, when i got home from work today he was covered in bristle worms and i was wornding if they were killing it. my other one that it was beside it is doing awsome.
  8. manncoler


    but if i scrape it off is it going go grow like hair alge or something i don't want.
  9. manncoler


    i was just wondering if i should take off my coraline alge off the back of my tank. is it ok to do so couse i think it looks bad. p.s. sorry about the dumb question. thanks
  10. manncoler

    pic of my tank

    ya i know it is hard to get off so i just leave it
  11. manncoler

    pic of my tank

    pics of my tank. commet if you would like, i would also like some advice.thanks.
  12. manncoler

    pic of my tank

    Pics of my tank. The last one is of my tank when i first got it. Iam getting some more coarls soon. What do you guys think. And if you have some advice i would like that. thanks .
  13. manncoler


    no i am getting a 75 or a 150 that is what i want to keep in it, some day soon but i was just wantering if they could be keeped with thoes other fish i was just courius.
  14. manncoler


    i also only have a 55 and i don't want to stress it out too much. can they be keeped with like lionfish and a blue throat trigger?
  15. manncoler


    thanks, now i dont think i am going to get only i don't want it to eat my feather dusters.
  16. manncoler


  17. manncoler


    I want to get a copperband but i want to know what things you guys feed yours? I have heard that there very hard to feed. Also what kinda corals would it pic at? What is the smallest tank they can be keep in? I really want one. My tank has been set up for a year or so. thanks
  18. manncoler

    can these fish live together

    thanks everybody for yor help and i think i have i have made my choice now
  19. manncoler

    can these fish live together

    i was also thinking a box fish or a tang or an angle fish
  20. manncoler

    can these fish live together

    i am wondering if i can keep a all theas fish togther in a 77gal. Radiata lionfish medium size blue throat trigger dogface puffer- maybe a different kind not sure yet thanks for your help