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  1. smith6ar

    Broken Protein Skimmer?

    I noticed the other day that my protein skimmer is no longer producing bubbles to the top collection area. The ******** still looks the same as it always did (lots of tiny bubbles inside, not any bubbles near collection area) It is a Berlin Venturie Protein Skimmer Red Sea brand. For up to a...
  2. smith6ar

    Identify this Invertebrate!

    that's exactly what it is. Thank you so much!
  3. smith6ar

    Identify this Invertebrate!

    No picture, sorry, but it is simple and easy to describe. This invertebrate is on several of my rocks. It lives in a small white tube (similar to the tube of a small feather duster). Out of this tube, comes two long thin strands that wave around in the water. These two strands can retract back...
  4. smith6ar

    finally.. 125 gallon octopus

    Originally Posted by clown316 as i said b4 jon.... i will be getting a bigger aquarium... i just have to prove to my dad that i can handle it in a small aquarium... i understand that it might be a little cramped for a little while.. but for a bimac... it wont be as to the point that its cruel or...
  5. smith6ar

    Cleaner shrimp eating my hermit crabs? WTF

    bah :( he's eating more :( I can see the half eaten corpse of one close to the cleaner shrimp's habitat :(
  6. smith6ar

    Cleaner shrimp eating my hermit crabs? WTF

    should this have been posted in diseases?
  7. smith6ar

    Cleaner shrimp eating my hermit crabs? WTF

    I just got an invertebrate package and added it to my tank today. One of the first things my cleaner shrimp did was yank a small, blueleg hermit crab from his shell and munch him up :( I only saw him eat the one, but he may have eaten more, as I can only find a couple right now. Is the cleaner...
  8. smith6ar

    New People Eaters!!

    What asre those things called? I have a few very tiny ones (without the green center or middle dome) in my tank that came on a piece of LR from my LFS I don't know what they are (I just call them polyps for lack of a better name) but they are about 1 inch tall, adn the top has a circle of small...
  9. smith6ar

    Tank Backgrounds?

    did you use the top darknesS?
  10. smith6ar

    Tank Backgrounds?

    I have no background on my tank right now, and I'm looking for some input on some good backgrounds. Are the self adhesive ones any good? Do they have the ugly "voids" where they don't adhere? Are there certain brands that don't have voids? Will a black background darken up my tank too much...
  11. smith6ar

    Wierd Stringy Algae

    Originally Posted by sepulatian It sounds like normal new tank algae (not diatoms). You said you have a cleanup crew comming right? They should take care of it. Is the algae only growing in one area of the tank? Is your PH pointed toward the sand? The algae is only growing on my two pieces of...
  12. smith6ar

    one bad day

    it's probably from bad Karma. Have you been really mean lately? Is this karma's way of getting you back?
  13. smith6ar

    I want some new fish! I need suggestions!

    I think i'm going to get 2 or 3 firefish and either a coral beauty angel or a six line wrasse (i'd rather have the wrasse, but i guess it depends on availability)
  14. smith6ar

    Wierd Stringy Algae

    I've got a used maxijet 1200, but it has only been running in the last 3 weeks. The first four months The only water flow was from the return pump from my wet/dry filter. I didn't see any of this green algae at all until about 2 weeks ago, and it hasn't been growing very fast until just the...
  15. smith6ar

    I want some new fish! I need suggestions!

    I got rid of my damsel, and am buying an invertebrate pack soon. I have a few questions. What fish would be nice in a 46 gallon tank with a false perc and some invertebrates (snails, crabs, brittle star, and 1 shrimp)? I want to be CERTAIN that my cleaner shrimp won't be harassed. My shrimp is...
  16. smith6ar

    Wierd Stringy Algae

    Recently some wierd stringy green algae has been growing at a fairly rapid rate on a couple rocks in my tank. I have two pieces of live rock (one 5lb piece and a half pound piece) and this stringy light green algae has been spreading to cover the rocks. It's light to dark green, and very...
  17. smith6ar

    Dieing Clownfish (Gasping, frayed fins) HELP!!

    I added the damsel and the clown definitely asserted his authority in the tank, even though his tail fin was still heavily damaged. I decided to remove the damsel after about a week because he chased my Cleaner shrimp out of his favorite spot (a really cool ledge right in the front of hte...
  18. smith6ar

    Setting up a Quarantine tank

    how long should i leave stuff in the QT before putting them in the display tank?
  19. smith6ar

    Setting up a Quarantine tank

    Can somebody please describe the use of a QT and how to set one up? What is a good sizE? Does it need a protein skimmer? Is there a cheap filter I could use? I have an unused 10 gallon tank and stand that I could set up as a QT, but I'm not sure what it should have. Here are some questions...
  20. smith6ar

    Supplemental invertebrate food

    I usually feed a very small amount, only enough to where my clown and damsel can eat it all