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  1. fishyfishyfish

    Coral ID

    thanks for the reply, any special needs for them? feeding? flow? or light?
  2. fishyfishyfish

    Coral ID

    I just purchased this coral, and I can't remember what my LFS called it. I do remember it started with an R. Any Thoughts
  3. fishyfishyfish

    Trying to ID a coral

    i paid 50 for therock with 6 on them. the only other invert i hae asides for shrimp and hermits are some mushroom corals. Do you think these will bother them? I have no plans of putting any other coral in there?
  4. fishyfishyfish

    Trying to ID a coral

    well whats the difference between a majano and a torch coral? they look identical
  5. fishyfishyfish

    Trying to ID a coral

    so its either a good coral? or a bad coral? It looks like a torch coral, but i googled majano coral and it looks like that also? I'm very confused
  6. fishyfishyfish

    Trying to ID a coral

    Any one have any idea what this is called? common name and scientific name. I have been looking and can not find any info on it. My LFS called it green tipped giant polyp. They're tan with green tips that glow under my lunar lights I bought a rock with about 6 polyps on it. and the other day I...
  7. fishyfishyfish

    Is one more possible?

    I have a 5 gal tank. I know, very small. it has a clown, pepperment shrimp mushroom coral, pylops, 6 blue legs and a snail. I was hoping to get a purple firefish, or maybe a yellow clown goby. Does anyone think this is possible? Or should I be happy with what I have PH 8.2 Nitrites 0 ammonia 0...
  8. fishyfishyfish

    Fungus treatment?

    I feed them twice a day mixing it up between flake food, food designed for clowns and a frozen food containing mostly brime shrimp, Water Conditions are as follows PH 8.2 temp 24C ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5.0 calc 500 phrosphate .5 SG 1.0214
  9. fishyfishyfish

    Fungus treatment?

    Here you go, you can see just below the mouth
  10. fishyfishyfish

    cant find any info on a coral

    Yeah, a 1/2 gal. Came with a lb of live rock and a small filter. I had it for a few months had no problems with it. Then decided to go to a 5 gal about 6 months ago, only problem I had was an ich break Otherwise all the inverts and fish are doing well. However, I took your advise and went to a...
  11. fishyfishyfish

    Fungus treatment?

    I have a clown that developed a white cotton looking sore on its mouth. In the last two weeks I have been watching him, the clown has been eating well and swimming activly. I went to a new LFS, (come to believe that my old one was going to sell me anything). They said it might be a fungus or an...
  12. fishyfishyfish

    cant find any info on a coral

    yeah, i'm more or less maxed out on fish, I had a few more at one point, and all of my parameters have been normal. I orginally started with marine fish with a clown and some live rock in a 1/2 gal cube, that my LFS sell's as a "nemo tank". One thing though and I should bring this up in the...
  13. fishyfishyfish

    cant find any info on a coral

    I was thinking about getting what my LFS calls a green tipped giant polyp. Anyone have any experience with these? Are they easy to care for? A few of the guys there say it should do well in my tank. I have a 5 gal hex tank, with common clown, and 6 lined wrasse. Also 5 red mushroom coral, 6...
  14. fishyfishyfish

    New to Coral

    they are pretty smooth. If I do feed them how do I go about that, do I just place some food on top of them? I dont see a distinct mouth
  15. fishyfishyfish

    Feeding Frozen Food

    ok so that method makes sence. However, I dont understand why would you want to re wet the food before you put it in the tank?
  16. fishyfishyfish

    Feeding Frozen Food

    ok cool, so that would explain the algee bloom i got a few days after i dropped the cube in
  17. fishyfishyfish

    New to Coral

    do mushrooms need to be in direct light or should the be partial shaded?
  18. fishyfishyfish

    Feeding Frozen Food

    I have been feeding my fish with flake food, and recently decided to suppliment their diet with frozen food. Is there a particular approach to preparig the frozen cubes. Or do you just drop them in?
  19. fishyfishyfish

    Macroalgae - Light = ?

    generally depends on the type of macroalgee. Might want to research it a little bit by searching it on google. a safe bet is a 50/50 daylight/actinic light. Or ay ratio of the two. the actnic light is beneficial for photosynthetic invertebrates. It will cast of a blue light, but that is normal...
  20. fishyfishyfish

    New to Coral

    its a 50 10000kdaylight/50 actinic 03 blue, 10 watt high intensity output bulb