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  1. myckei

    Green to White?

    k, thanks!!
  2. myckei

    Green to White?

    Ok my perfectly fine GREEN emerald crab has turned white??? What gives?
  3. myckei

    Sand Sifting Crabs

    Wow. No wonder I dont ever hear how well of a job they do/dont do with the sand. THEY DIE! Geees. Should I give up on them? Are they really gone ?
  4. myckei

    Sand Sifting Crabs

    I bought some sand sifting crabs about two months ago from SWF and have not seen them since, even when I do a water change & clean the sand I dont see them Is this common or are they dead? They came in a group of five. All my other inverts are doing fine. What's the deal with these guys?
  5. myckei

    Diamond goby

    Sorry to hear that.
  6. myckei

    The down low on a diamond goby

    Can you seed your tank with other live critters besides pods? And if so what? Thanks all great fish minds!
  7. myckei

    The down low on a diamond goby

    It's like you read all the information you can to make an educated and thought out purchase then " wham" two steps back and back to the drawing board!
  8. myckei

    The down low on a diamond goby

    Have you heard anything like this about this fish?
  9. myckei

    The down low on a diamond goby

    So, everyone says they are one of the best sand sifters for the tank. Well great I want one! But then I read from another post on SWF that they kill off your LS over time. My tank is still young ( less than 6 months ). Is there anything that I can seed my tank with other than copepods? Is there...
  10. myckei

    making your own fish food.. cooked or raw?

    Just think a moment about what your asking...."no" fish in the wild eats anything cooked. Give your fish the closest thing it would have in its natural surroundings. If you want to make your own food for your critters, they will be more than happy and healthy if you leave it raw. Research a...
  11. myckei

    1720 gph?

    Thanks everyone for your input. I still think I might need to upgrade my pump for more turnover in the tank. The one I have seems to just be making the grade. What is the optimal turnover the average hobbiest strives for?
  12. myckei

    Nano Angels?

    Flames need at least a 55gal tank according to SWF, sooo you might want to check your tank requirements for each fish you have your eye on. This makes for a happy healthy fish. Good luck with your selection!
  13. myckei

    1720 gph?

    So am I over or under?
  14. myckei

    Do fish play games or have game related activites...

    Yeah, nip..... stay out of my corner! lol I think chase is thier biggest game.
  15. myckei

    1720 gph?

    So if it's the second it would be 65gal x 30 turn over at the least which would be 1950 right?
  16. myckei

    1720 gph?

    Please help me figure this all out? So I have a Catalina CA 2200 pump running from my sump to my DT. The ratio of gph goes down to 200 gph with 6ft of tubing which I have, if I am reading the box correctly. I also have two Koralia2 ph which put out 600 each gph and two nano ph that put out 260...
  17. myckei

    Fish Trap ?????

    Wow! what a circus you have there. I want to put in four green chromis in my tank should I reconcider??
  18. myckei

    coral line algae

    Of the coralline! not the fish lol
  19. myckei

    coral line algae

    Do you need a certain kind of lighting for the growth?
  20. myckei

    Help! Skimmer making bubbles.

    thanks I'll have to try that.