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  1. christiiiii


    I have a 29g biocube and i was wondering how much and how often I should feed the tank. Right now i have one clown, one diamond goby, and two small clown gobies. I have flake food, some pellet food, frozen mysis shrimp and some kind of tiny red frozen shrimp. I also have a cleaner shrimp...
  2. christiiiii

    Red Algae

    ....ohh and I'm in farmington hills
  3. christiiiii

    Red Algae

    Thanks everyone for all the help. I didnt know about sunlight because the sunlight does hit my tank a little bit... and the water flow makes a lot of sense because it's all growing in the farthest part of the tank from the power head
  4. christiiiii

    What is the world coming to. Please look

    I love this tread. I live in Michigan, work in a school, and I had the worst bush hating teachers you'll ever meet in high school. It's nice to hear opinions similar to mine. In high school I had a math teacher who said someone should go out and murder Bush and his entire family, after that she...
  5. christiiiii

    My 29g Biocube Picturesss

    Yeah I do have stock lighting and it was doing great, I had to take it out though because it was moving all over the tank and I want to have a lot of corals without having to worry about it.
  6. christiiiii

    Explain where your user name originated

    Mine is pretty unique... My name is Christi, I added 4 i's so it could be more exciting
  7. christiiiii

    What is the world coming to. Please look

    I work in a daycare and the other day we had to pull all the games out of the preschool and kindergarten rooms because a parent complained it hurt her childs self esteem when he lost... This is the same mom who canceled our holiday classroom parties. We couldnt even dress up for halloween...
  8. christiiiii

    Red Algae

    Thanks, I think i'll get some of those snails and maybe add a power head
  9. christiiiii

    My 29g Biocube Picturesss

    Thanks! my cameras not the greatest and I don't really have any good pictures, but im trying!!
  10. christiiiii

    My 29g Biocube Picturesss

    I still really want a candy cane coral and some more mushrooms... I'm sad because I'm done adding fish, I need to cut myself off. Right now I have a diamond goby, a green and a yellow clown goby, royal gramma, and a true perc clown.
  11. christiiiii

    My 29g Biocube Picturesss

  12. christiiiii

    My 29g Biocube Picturesss

  13. christiiiii

    My 29g Biocube Picturesss

    and this is what it looks like now!!
  14. christiiiii

    My 29g Biocube Picturesss

    This is my tank 3 months ago...
  15. christiiiii


    I'm in Farmington Hills
  16. christiiiii

    Red Algae

    I have a 29 gallon biocube, it's been set up for 2 months. It is growing red algae on the gravel. Could this be a problem?
  17. christiiiii

    Nano Wars

    I have a 29g biocube and i love it
  18. christiiiii

    Witch salt do you use?

    Used IO but switched to Tropic Marin Pro
  19. christiiiii

    Aquapod vs. BioCube - Help!!

    Biocube! I have a 29g and i love it
  20. christiiiii


    awesome thanks