What is the world coming to. Please look


Active Member
In Seattle Kids arn't allowed to play with Legos anymore. The reson is becuase some kids can make bigger buildings than others. Im sorry but that is stupid. The only way they can play with them is if they decide to build something together.
I think this is stupid. Does everonye have to be the same? Does everyone have to make the same money? I mean think a nano could look better than a 180. I think this is just wacky and stupid
Opinions? Comments?


Active Member
Yea. Its kinda scary. Sooner everyone will make the same amount of money no matter how smart. Im sorry but if you dont try in school you dont deserve a good job. Peple work their buts off and they deserve the money.


Yeah, I'm glad I grew up when I did... Things are so different now. Nobody wins, nobody looses, and God forbid somebody gets hurt...
Stupid... Just plain stupid.
If you don't know, my son is slow...ish. It infuriates me that in order to qualify for all the services he needs, he hasta be in class with "normal" kids. Which, by the way, the staff takes offense to that term. They want me to say "typically developing kids". They call it no child left behind. Don't get me wrong, he learns a little by watching these kids, but the other kids have to tolerate the teacher slowing everything down for a select few... They have to tolerate any of his abnormal behavior...He can hit, but God forbid they hit back, which IMO will teach him faster than their "time out". Sorry, I'm on a rant
Yes, they want all the kids equal. They slow down the fast learners and push forward the slow ones. I liked my childhood better...Where the teacher had to deal with many different personalities...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Yeah, I'm glad I grew up when I did... Things are so different now. Nobody wins, nobody looses, and God forbid somebody gets hurt...
Stupid... Just plain stupid.
If you don't know, my son is slow...ish. It infuriates me that in order to qualify for all the services he needs, he hasta be in class with "normal" kids. Which, by the way, the staff takes offense to that term. They want me to say "typically developing kids". They call it no child left behind. Don't get me wrong, he learns a little by watching these kids, but the other kids have to tolerate the teacher slowing everything down for a select few... They have to tolerate any of his abnormal behavior...He can hit, but God forbid they hit back, which IMO will teach him faster than their "time out". Sorry, I'm on a rant
Yes, they want all the kids equal. They slow down the fast learners and push forward the slow ones. I liked my childhood better...Where the teacher had to deal with many different personalities...
i totally agree things were alot different werent they, i remember when it was ok for your friends mom to spank ya


Active Member
Yea. I thought this country was home of the free. Were loosing our rights. Turning into comunists. Someday the people will overthrow the government.


Active Member
Have to agree with you there. I would rather be known for being an honest and straight shooter than politically correct hypocrite who sways in the wind. Could you imagine if those who fought in wars to defend our rights acted this way. Ouch stop, your hurting my feelings. These PC losers should move to France where liberalism and political correctness rules. Someone actually refered to a fat guy the other day as being gravity challenged


Active Member
wow... i thought it was the land of the free, which means that we have a right to play legos... first its fireworks then its loud music then its smoking in public places (btw i dont smoke but i think ppl should be able to do it when they want), and now LEGOS!! i thought it was bad that its illegal to have a garage sale in our neighborhood but wow
is that realy true or are you just messin with us? how are they gonna enforce it, write a 3 year old a ticket at play time?!?!?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Someone actually refered to a fat guy the other day as being gravity challenged

thats the funniest thing i have ever heard :hilarious


Active Member
Really true. Niel Bortz and fox news did a thing on it. Really, Soon you wont be able to have a garage sale becuase your stuff is better than others or different.


Active Member
haha gravity challenged. Ive never met a kid who was intimidated by the height of somebody elses lego castle? Perhaps some of the congressmen have some other underlaying issues they need to adress with a professional.


I kind of have to agree that political correctness has gotten out of hand. I have seen this in the schools as well. There can be no winners or losers in any games. I worked with 7th grade mentally handicapped kids (is that term even PC anymore?) a few weeks ago. They were forced to take the same state test that the other 7th graders were taking. Talk about kids in stress!!!! They didn't know most of the material. Because of their age they were considered 7th grade. NY has the "no child left behind" bill as well. It is rediculous. They expect everyone to be on the same page. Some kids just cannot do it. And those that excell are the ones "left behind" they are also the ones that end up in behavioral adjustment classes. I have worked with these kids as well. They have no difficulties other than that they act out in class because they are bored out of their minds. What ever happened to Practical, General, and Regents levels? It is terrible. As for games allowed in school, my son's class was told they were not allowed to play Go Fish!!!!!! Can any game be more innocent????


Active Member
o my gosh, every time i read a new post on this thread i am awe struck with how rediculus it all is. ok we have to figure out someone to blame for all this PC junk. who is it? liberals? i vote hilary clinton


I work in a daycare and the other day we had to pull all the games out of the preschool and kindergarten rooms because a parent complained it hurt her childs self esteem when he lost... This is the same mom who canceled our holiday classroom parties. We couldnt even dress up for halloween because it was devil worship.
I agree this is out of control.