Search results

  1. nanohtb

    Need a good sand sifter.

    Your Biocube 14g is too small for the sand sifting star. It will probably starve to death in a few months.
  2. nanohtb

    6-line leaving!

    I got my six-line out with a homemade fish trap made with a small water bottle.
  3. nanohtb

    help on what test kit

    I switched to Salifert's and Seachem. Be careful with the Mardel 5-in-1 test strips. It gave me incorrect pH values.
  4. nanohtb

    Refractometer or a salinity tester Plastic one

    My vote is for the refractometer. I've used both. It's more precise and a lot easier to use IMHO.
  5. nanohtb

    Buying a Nano - help with choices

    I don't have one but the 25g nano for CAD Lighting looks pretty nice.
  6. nanohtb

    Cleaner Shrimp's Bio load contibution?

    Thanks everyone...
  7. nanohtb

    Cleaner Shrimp's Bio load contibution?

    I have a Biocube 14 FOWLR (about 2 months old). Currently, I have a yellow tail damsel & royal gramma plus clean up crew( hermits & snails). What is the bio load contribution of a cleaner shrimp if I were to add him to the tank? Is it equivalent to a small fish? Just wanted to make sure...