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  1. R


    Can you post more clear picture?
  2. R

    Large bumps on hippo tang

    How high was the cupramine? Definitely weird and shouldn’t be on the fish! Never heard or seen this before!
  3. R

    75g Stocking Advice

    I agree I recommend only 1 angel per tank as they can get quite Territorial, coral beauty’s are the usually easiest to find and keep
  4. R


    Aptasia! Get rid of it ASAP it’ll take over your tank. Peppermint shrimp sometimes eat them. You can get aptasia X which will kill them
  5. R


    Are the nitrates still that high? What kind of light do you have?
  6. R

    my blue hippo tang is hiding!

    Update??? How’s it doing sometimes blue tangs take a week or so to adjust
  7. R

    where to buy cheap copepods

    Try your LFS see if they can order live copepods. I say a few months when you start seeing copepods all over the glass and rocks I say that would be a good time to add.
  8. R

    my blue hippo tang is hiding!

    What size tank? What kind of fish do you have in the tank with them?
  9. R

    55 gallon salt tank

    It’s possible it could be a pest anemone (aptasia) if it came from your LFS live rock. Can you post a picture? If it is a aptasia you want to kill it ASAP!
  10. R

    Dwarf seahorse- need help!

    Live brine, live Mysis frozen food is all good for them
  11. R

    Fish stocking ideas for 15 gallon cube

    I’d go with the fire fish
  12. R

    Fish stocking ideas for 15 gallon cube

    I wouldn’t add a coral beauty or a six line wrasse, the coral beauty is a bit big, and sixline wrass can be mean!!!
  13. R

    ID help please

    Maybe a zoa eating spider I’m not to sure. I don’t know how big the zoa spiders are
  14. R


    I’ve seen a lot of people use it and I always hear great things about it!
  15. R

    ID help please

    Does it move? Around the coral?
  16. R

    New Fish Recommendations?

    Yellow watchman Maybe try another royal gramma
  17. R

    Please help..

    Did he swim into a rock or something he could of hit it on something
  18. R

    Fish friend ok?

    Can you put him In a separate tank?