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  1. damseldogooder

    fishgeek01 HELP!

    I know from previous threads, you breed and have information about bangaii cardinals. I wanted a to get a pajama cardinal, and was wondering, do you know about them,too? If you do, go to the Fish Discussion forum, and search for Pajama Cardinal :help:
  2. damseldogooder

    Pajama Cardinal

    I couldn't help reading your other thread about the bangii cardinal. I remember someone told you to look up fishgeek01. Was he informative? Does he breed pajama cardinals, too?
  3. damseldogooder

    Flame Angels

    Thanks for the input, but I'm not getting a carpet. Not after what I read in the Clownfish & Anemone forum. I was thinking more along the lines of a bubbletip.
  4. damseldogooder

    Flame Angels

    I have a 38q tank, and really want to get a flame angel. I was wondering: Can they be kept in a 38q tank? Can they be kept with clownfish, damsels, and a shrimp? Are they hard to keep? Do they hide all day? Can they be kept with anemones?
  5. damseldogooder

    Pajama Cardinal

    I have a 38q aquarium with 2 percs, a bubbletip anemone, and a number of damsels. I have recently seen these fish and liked their color. I was wondering: What do they eat? Is my tank a good size? Are they peaceful with other fish? Are they reef compatible? Can they be kept with anemones? :notsure:
  6. damseldogooder

    what is your stock list

    Originally Posted by Cannonman 29 Gal. Reef 2 clowns 1 bicolor blenny green, red, blue, purple shrooms green star fugia brown grogorian zoos candy cane clove polyps CBS 2 peppermint shrimp many snails and pods, hermits 75 Gal. FOWLR 2 domino damsels 1 electric blue damsel 2 yellow tail damsels 1...
  7. damseldogooder


    I might get a brittle, then. I still want to see what ophiura says about it. If only the chocolate chip could get along with the bubble-tip, I would be fine! :scared: Any other input would be helpful too.
  8. damseldogooder


    I might get a brittle, then. I'll still see what ophiura says about it. If only the chocolate chip can get along with the bubble-tip, it will be fine!
  9. damseldogooder


    O.K., no to the fromia. Maybe some more info on the chocolate chip? When you say"predatory", what exactly do you mean? Will they eat any of my fish, or anemones?Ophiura, if your online, could you clear things up for me? You said they are predatory, but you also said they don't harm the fish. If...
  10. damseldogooder


    What about Fromia Starfish? Do they hide all day? Are they easy to keep?
  11. damseldogooder

    what is your stock list

    2 Percula Clowns 5 Yellowtail Blue Damsels 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Foxface Rabbitfish 1 Bubble-tip Anemone
  12. damseldogooder

    MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

    I don't know about the anemone. But that dottyback is probably a Purpleback Pseudochromis. Here's some info: This text is from The Purpleback Pseudochromis, a.k.a. Skunkback Pseudochromis, is colored in bright yellow with a majenta back stretching from its mouth...
  13. damseldogooder

    A ton of live sand

    Thanks! I'll try it and see what I get!
  14. damseldogooder

    A ton of live sand

    I have a 38q aquarium. It is 36'' long and 12'' width. I want a inch of live sand in my aquarium. If you had to guess, How many pounds of live sand do I need? :help:
  15. damseldogooder

    Anemone Habitat

    What is better for an anemone to attach to. Sand or rock?
  16. damseldogooder

    Live vs. Crushed

    After what you informed me, I think I'll go with the sand. However, I still want to see how the poll turns out.
  17. damseldogooder

    Live vs. Crushed

    After your recent advice on the subject, I think I'll go with the sand. However, I still want to see how my poll turns out.
  18. damseldogooder

    Live vs. Crushed

    I was wondering, what is better? I was leaning toward the cruched coral, but was then informed about live sand. Which is more accurate for a reef/marine aquarium?If you are reading this, please fill out the poll above.
  19. damseldogooder

    Clown & Anemone

    I will be getting an anemone for my 2 clownfish in a little while. These were the most popular two in the LFS. Which should I get?
  20. damseldogooder

    Clown & Anemone

    Thanks for the advice.