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  1. sweetjesus

    I go to court today: parental rights

    If you need some inspirational reading, you can read about the hell I went through for custody here. The good thing is it has a happy ending!
  2. sweetjesus

    What do you think?

    2.5 hours last night, and we both have very distant relatives back in the old country of Ireland! Which led me to say, jeez, maybe we are related way back! Which received a resounding, "I hope not!" Ya know, Vonage, Skype, and all those are a godsend now a days! Even free long distance after...
  3. sweetjesus

    What do you think?

    God, it was going to be a huge what if. 4.5 hours again on Friday! I have to start putting a limit on this as neither of us has gotten enough sleep! So we took a break on Saturday, and will probably talk tonight. Will have to set the timer and stick to the new rule of limiting our phone time...
  4. sweetjesus

    What do you think?

    Update: We are continueing to talk, and the subject came to the forefront. The decision was we know a lot about each other but do not know each other. We always said one day ... one day. So I bit the bullet, and said, would you like to get to know each other. Find out. Well, I have a lot of...
  5. sweetjesus

    What do you think?

    I do not think I know her, I think I do know enough about her to try a date. I am not thinking this is a go out and get married type of thing, but more of a should I give it a first date try type of thing.
  6. sweetjesus

    What do you think?

    OH, but I do want to hear it or I would not have asked for thoughts and opinions!
  7. sweetjesus

    What do you think?

    Well, here is my story: 3 years ago I went back to school via online to get my degree. During one of the classes I worked with a young lady and due to the collaboration on projects I got to know her quite well online. This led to talking to her on the phone. Anyhow, this led to talking to her...
  8. sweetjesus


    Originally Posted by Sharkboy13 wait u mean shes 9 or this thread is 9 years old, if so i am reeaally confused but happy to see justice prevail over that weirdo Been 9 years since she was born, she is currently 8 years old.
  9. sweetjesus


    Here we are over 9 years later. Mother is still the same criminal drug addict. See's her daughter once a year . . . ok not even that much, because she did not even show up for an hour on christmas this year. Daughter is getting all honors in School. I have finished my Bachelor's Degree in...
  10. sweetjesus


    Cliff notes: Found a new attorney after talking to absolutely everyone in the tri state area. The mother had already been to see them all because of the criminal problems she was having so it was a conflict of interest. Finally found a family law attorney only. Anyhow they argued that none...
  11. sweetjesus


    3-4 years later, my daughter turned 7 today! I have not updated the old website, but lets just say I won full custody with absolutely no visitation by the mother. IF you want the cliff notes version I can post it. Whew!!! I have been away for 3 years!
  12. sweetjesus

    DSB revolt

    No DSB for me, Maintainence issues. A lot of times they are successful for the short term. One main reason is the fauna that hitch hikes on the rock. This fauna does not have a sustainable population and falls prey to extinction over a relatively few years. None of the kits detrivore kits...
  13. sweetjesus

    FOR SALE! DUAL PFO 250W with Sakis

    Less than one month old bulbs on a approximately 1 year old ballast. ONLY BALLAST AND BULBS. NOT HQI just normal. The first $225 USD takes it shipping included to the continental USA.
  14. sweetjesus

    Anyone able to keep heat down on MH with just fan?

    Let's hear the radium chant!
  15. sweetjesus

    BTA Picture!

    My BTA was a hitchiker on some live rock, 3 days after being stressed from the move, it split. I now have two that are green with red/pink tips! much better than the brown ones!
  16. sweetjesus

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Well, here I am, SweetJesus, Mary mother of GOD it is scary, I know. Anyhow, hint hint, single hopeless romantic! LOL!
  17. sweetjesus

    Powder Blue or Brown in a 75g?

    I have to disagree with keeping the PBT in a a QT. Unless your QT is an established at least 75gallon tank. Initially the PBT will be very hard to get to eat. It will continuously pick at the rocks, pods and other normal food critters that live on the rock. Keep the algae clip full at all...
  18. sweetjesus

    powder blue tang

    No, that is not normal for a PBT. My growing and happy fat PBT makes the ones in the LFS look like guppies!
  19. sweetjesus

    Return Pump??? HELP!

    can't let this thread go without saying ampmaster! they have several sizes and almost absolutely silent
  20. sweetjesus

    PBT ... How aggressive is aggressive ?

    my powder blue and my leopard wrasse were the first fish in my 90 gallon after it crashed when i moved it. It sat empty for about 4 months before I put them in. So I had a huge pod and critter population. Anyhow. Since then I added a lawn mower blenny, PBT was not happy almost every fish I...