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  1. hoseman77

    Whats my BTA doing?

    So you both say it looks a little bleached. Is that bad? I use t-5 lighting one fixture has 4 lights (216W) and the other has 2 (108W)both split with daylight and actnics ya he moved alot yesterday, i've never seen him move that much before and I found out that my timer on my lights stopped...
  2. hoseman77

    Whats my BTA doing?

    Okay, I came back from Reno today and found my BTA looking weird. It looks like its foot is puffed up or something. I've had my BTA for 6 months or so and has been doing well. It has split once and I feed it silversides or Kreel once a week. My water perameters are Ammonia=0 Nitrites=0...
  3. hoseman77

    help ID Please

    Thanks for all your help
  4. hoseman77

    NO-ICH from Fishvet

    I have used that No-Ich and it worked in my reef tank. Blue tang had ich and he is all better now after about 2 weeks worth of treatment. Just follow the directions on the bottle. It didnt bother none of my reef inhabitants, corals or live rock. Its been a month with no signs of ich comming...
  5. hoseman77

    yellow tang.

    Do you have a stray voltage rod? You said he has a little brown stuff on him or something like it get a magnifying glass... it almost sounds like velvet cause when it happens the fish die fast like in 24-36 hrs. QT him immediately if you havent yet. And did you QT him before?
  6. hoseman77

    No Ick worked in my reef tank!

    I had an outbreak of Ich in my reef tank when I added a yellow tang that stupid me didnt QT I will never do that again. So he gave it to my blue tang and couldnt catch him in my DT so I went to my local Reef store and they said they use No Ich in their 400G reef tank and it works. So I tried it...
  7. hoseman77

    ID help/little sack looking things

    thats it. So are these harmful?
  8. hoseman77

    help ID Please

    yes it was on my zoas and they are that color and have been closed up for about a month or so and open a little.
  9. hoseman77

    ID help/little sack looking things

    I found these also under my powerhead and there is one under some live rock. It looks like a tube or sack that is white with a hole in the center of it with fuzzy outside.
  10. hoseman77

    help ID Please

    I found this on my zoas. It was hard to get a good picture because they are so small. It looks like some kind of slug with green spots that branch out on its back, it also has little feelers that stick out in front of it like a slug. check the pics out.
  11. hoseman77

    I have an RO/DI problem

    If anyone can help point me in the right direction I"d appreciate it. Well here it goes, I have been having a problem with phosphates in my RO system and so I added a DI filter and I still have the same amount of Phosphates. I checked my water from the tap and I have 1ppm of Phos. So I would...
  12. hoseman77

    Uh oh, I didnt acclimate snails

    Originally Posted by Payton 350 give them some time...check to see if they are dead(smell) maybe raise sg to 1.025 I always just temp acclimate and unless the sg is off from where they came from ...i dropped them in with the same amount of success as drip acclimating them DO you have them set...
  13. hoseman77

    Uh oh, I didnt acclimate snails

    Well I floated them to temp. acclimate but didnt drip acclimate like fish. But I put them all in a row last night before the lights turned off and they are all still in the same position so either they have good memory of where they were or they didnt make it.
  14. hoseman77

    Uh oh, I didnt acclimate snails

    I had no idea you had to acclimate snails, I just plopped them in. I bought 17 astrea snails 2 days ago and they are not moving in my tank like they were in the FS. What can I do to save them? My tank parameters are: Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 Ph 8.2 Phos 0.2 Alk 9dkh SG 1.023 Temp. 78 I...
  15. hoseman77

    can shrimp molt too much?

    I had no Idea molting was that way, I was wondering why I found a coral banded shrimp claw in my tank, I thought I had a second one I didnt know about that got eaten or something.
  16. hoseman77

    Help Green Algae

    Also its been like 2 days since I've scrubbed my rocks off and used that alk buffer and I've been using that Algae Fix and its not growing back. So hopefully it was just my ALK being off.
  17. hoseman77

    Help Green Algae

    well I might have found the problem, I never had a alk test kit and so I went and got one and my alk was 6dkh so I bufferred it and its now a 9dkh, but I checked my phosphate this morning and they are up to .5 is that bad? I have even checked my RO water and I always have a little Phosphate like...
  18. hoseman77

    Help Green Algae

    Picture of green algae and fishAttachment 201556 Attachment 201564
  19. hoseman77

    Help Green Algae

    We'll I have run into a problem I think. I have this green algae and it is all over my live rock and glass. It looks hairy on the rock but slimmy on the glass. It covers even the purple coraline algae. I have had this 100 G tank for a little over a year. About 2 wks ago had red slime and took...