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  1. schmidthouse

    My Dori has ich!!! What do I do?

    I am pretty sure that my Blue Hippo Tang has Ich . I don't know the procedure for treating it. Someone PLEASE HELP!!!
  2. schmidthouse

    New Kenya Tree...Help!!!

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Mine did the same thing. Keep it low to mid and let it settle is what I did. Now it's the biggest thing in my tank and I have 3 babies from it. It shrivled up like a broccoli then over time opened back up. BTW, when I first got it I had 150W MH on a 15 gallon...
  3. schmidthouse

    New Kenya Tree...Help!!!

    UMMMM yeah, I don't know what they were running, but I told him what we were running because we bought a Clam, a Brain Coral and a flowerpot coral..everything is very happy except the kenya tree. and the guy said that our lights and everything would be ok for what we were buying...
  4. schmidthouse

    New Kenya Tree...Help!!!

    I bought a new Kenya Tree on Saturday. It was beautiful at the store. The guy told me to keep in the low portion of our Tank...We did it stayed all shrivled up so we moved it up after we read that it likes medium to high light. It looks little better but still very sad My Lights - 2-250 mh...
  5. schmidthouse

    90 gallon progress after 15 months

    Very cool lots of color and life...Keep it up
  6. schmidthouse

    My Additives

    I have a 150 with Tangs, Clowns and Blennies. I Have Misc. Coral- Bubble, Toadstool leather, torches and others I don't know the name of. also have a number of inverts. Right now I add- Liquid Calcium Phytoplex Iodine Strontium Molbdenum Essential elements My question is, Are there any others...
  7. schmidthouse

    how to catch ,remove or kill damsels

    Our lfs told us to cycle with Damsles too. They were total buttheads...We had to wait until we broke that tank down to upsize to a new tank. So the only thing left was the water, sand and three Damsles. After having them for a year I was so happy to get rid of them. I bagged them up and walked...
  8. schmidthouse

    Brittle stars?

    We had one for a long time named Sigmond The Sea Monster. We kept him fed but he still terrorized the tank!! I personally would not own another one. But I have talked to people that have really good luck with them. I think that it's all about their personallity...
  9. schmidthouse

    hermie the homeless hermit

    When we had gotten a Coral Banded Shrimp, a week later there was another one! I called my husband at work, all excited of course, I was telling him that I thought that the store must have given us a pregnent Shrimp!!!! Wow...I felt like a stupid-head when we figured out that it just molted
  10. schmidthouse

    New to posting and Saltwater tanking...

    I just wanted to tell you, Welcome I'm new here too...I think your set up is coming right along But as far as getting a Tang for that particular tank IMO would be very sad for the Tang. They just get so big and will need so much room. would be like living in an apartment and...
  11. schmidthouse


    Originally Posted by LedZep fan It is a type of seawood that fish love and is very good for them. You can pick it up at any asian market or chinese section in a grocery store. I bought around 20 sheets for about $2!!! Nori is the stuff that goes around sushi rolls. I went the store and bought...
  12. schmidthouse

    what is your stock list

    150 gal. Yellow Tang (Sunny) Blue Hippo Tang (Dori) Kole Tang (Ups) Purple Firefish (Streak) 2-Percs (Thing 1 & Thing 2) Scooter Blenny (Fred) Lawnmower Blenny (Stewie) 2-Green Chromies (Mutt& Jeff) Sally lightfoot (sally) Coral banded shrimp (Jauque?)
  13. schmidthouse


    What exactly is Nori? and where can I buy it? thanks
  14. schmidthouse

    Caring for a reef tank over the weekend

    What a smart and lucky little girl to have her own reef... ....Mom I hope you see how cool this for her...most kids that age could care less and want to spend their time playing videos. Kudos to you Mom
  15. schmidthouse

    It jumped out!!!

    Wow... I'm very sorry for you and your loss. I didn't know that Blennys were jumpers. I have a lawnmower and a scooter, and I only have about 75 percent coverage too. It is very sad that it takes a tragity like this for all of us to learn something from it. Our thoughts are with you
  16. schmidthouse

    clown fish hosting frog spawn

    My clowns host my hammer, frogspawn and a couple other corals in there. Basically they will host anything that is soft and mooshy I had no Idea they could kill it
  17. schmidthouse

    Where does ich come from?

    How do you get ich, besides introducing a new fish into your tank? If you already have an estabished tank, can it show up out of nowhere?
  18. schmidthouse

    Is there any nice, reef safe Anglefish?

    I have been looking for a new addition to our tank...The Angle fish are so beautiful but, everytime I look up there behavior it is always bold or not reef safe...If not, can someone give me an Idea of a colorful, nice and reef safe fish? thanks.
  19. schmidthouse

    I'm a new member to this site...

    Hi Reed I'm new here too...Welcome
  20. schmidthouse

    dead to live rock??

    We found our Live Rock on craigslist from some guy that was busting down his tank...110 lbs. for $165.00 if you look around you will be able to find some really great deals