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  1. noah's nemo

    Clean up Crew

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills What makes you think you actually need them? :) Exactly what i was going to ask.. IMO they are an overrated waste of money ..I have 3 triggers and a puffer ,,i haven't had CUC or a single invert for that matter in at least 4 years ..
  2. noah's nemo

    new guy on the block upgrading my 55 to 120

    Nice ,,glad the transfers went good
  3. noah's nemo

    225 Galon Upgrade.

    Awesome tanks,,look forward to the build ... Nanook ,,love the name and the movie ..Does he keep the vampires away
  4. noah's nemo

    My 125 gallon Reef Tank

    Nice set up..Looks good I have been contemplating coral inserts for a while now ..Some look pretty good while other not so much..I do have some basic mushrooms in my tank because thats the only thing my angel doesn't have a taste for Let me know if you decide on some and where you may have been...
  5. noah's nemo

    Tangs for a 75 gallon? 48 inches long

    May i suggest a chocolate tang or kole tang for a 75..I would also only put one or the other
  6. noah's nemo

    Whoo! Stocking ideas.

    Tank is perfect for a wartskin angler
  7. noah's nemo

    Emperor angelfish Having troubles breathing! I need some help with Ammonia Levels

    I would imagine you started a cycle with all the moving and sifting of the the sand .. 2 PH's in a 150 isn't going to be enough flow ,,you need at least 4 or 5 IMO
  8. noah's nemo

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    Are you sure its not the molt? After molting they can and usually do go hide for a bit
  9. noah's nemo

    Nice fish for a biocube

    . I think the wrasse family has some of the most colorful fish there are.Any flasher wrasse and mystery wrasse are my favorites .. Maybe a royal gramma or any basslet or dottyback..lots of fish for cubes
  10. noah's nemo

    new guy on the block upgrading my 55 to 120

    I like the set up ..Where did you get those coral inserts ? Snake is right about the grouper though..It will probably be OK in the new 120 for now but will need an even bigger tank soon.
  11. noah's nemo

    Aggressive FOWLR 260 gallon aquarium fish

    Like jay said ,the humu will become a PITA and you will want him out in time ... They are great when little but they do grow (very slow IME) and want to rule the tank..I had one for about 4 years till i had enough of him killing tank mates! He even bullied my clown trigger(also gone now) ..I...
  12. noah's nemo

    Tiffany's 400G build thread

    Just wanted to pop in and say "AWESOME".. Makes my tank look small..Love the nice open look and the fish selection..keep an eye on that clown trigger though..Had to ship mine out after a few years ...Turned into a killer
  13. noah's nemo

    Where can i put in a request for a fish?

    Thank you.. I just sent an E-mail
  14. noah's nemo

    Where can i put in a request for a fish?

    Hi all,,been a member for awhile just not active,,,anyway, I went to the "store" here in search of a fish ,but no luck..They don't have it on waiting list..It doesn't even come up with a search... Its a black durgon(Hawaiian) triggerfish...Is there a place to put in a request for things they...
  15. noah's nemo

    fish selection from store

    I'm not even really looking for rare or oddball fish..I looking to get a sargassum trigger,an annularis angel or french angel(maybe both) and an Immaculatus Puffer or black dogface puffer soon.....
  16. noah's nemo

    fish selection from store

    Well,i haven't been around here in some time,but i remember when the fish store had a much wider selection of fish..Looks like they just have a lot of the more common fish carried by every site,and really,not even some of the more common...
  17. noah's nemo

    Which Angel

    The title did throw me off...LOL Personally i like the Koran better too,and i really don't hear too many people talk about them...most go right for the emp,which to me makes them more common.....i love the thin blue outline they get and the long flowing dorsal fin...I got mine a little over a...
  18. noah's nemo

    Adding a 2nd angel to a 125??

    I have a purple tang, the koran,clown trigger , humu trigger(both are under 3.5 in.) ,6 line and 2 ocellaris clowns..... Most recent addition was the PT(4-5 months ago) which the koran tried to bully for a day ,but the PT just gave it right back...they're buds now.. I do like the flagfin,that...
  19. noah's nemo

    Adding a 2nd angel to a 125??

    Thanks for your advice Aqua,i know you know what your talking about from when i used to visit here more often...I do have plans for an upgrade but who knows when that will ever be done I'm going to just hold off and be happy with my current point in risking total chaos in my tank...
  20. noah's nemo

    Adding a 2nd angel to a 125??

    I haven't even got it yet...i was hoping to get some answers from first hand experiences ...i would definitely want a bigger one than the koran...I'm not going to try it if i hear from enough people who know its just not possible.....i just have a hard time believing its not possible with guys...