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  1. 1320wrx

    How much pressure can pvc hold after its been drilled and tapped?

    yea that does makes sense, thanks for the help
  2. 1320wrx

    How much pressure can pvc hold after its been drilled and tapped?

    I am making a resivoir for a auto top off out of pvc. I plan on using 4 inch pvc, on one end of the pipe I plan on capping off the pipe. In the cap I want to drill a 1/4" hole, tap in threads, and install a 1/4 male John Guest fitting wrapped in teflon tape. I will be pressurizing the pipe with...
  3. 1320wrx

    Anyone from New Jersey

    Do you have any frags left, i might be interested Steve
  4. 1320wrx

    Recent Brain Tumor- need to sell system

    I may be interested in the sump if you decide to sell some stuff seperate. I had a brain tumor removed when I was 5, im now 21. I had it removed at Childrens Hospital in Philly by Dr. Sutton, he is a great guy and an even better doctor. Good luck and hopefully you'll get back into the hobby some...
  5. 1320wrx

    coraline algae would be nice

    I had the same problem, I checked my alk and is was dead low. After i boosted my alk levels coraline started growing very fast. Once the coraline starts growing your calcium levels will drop so test it the first few days to see how much you need to dose. I would find a two part calc/alk, thats...
  6. 1320wrx

    Lionfish in the Bahamas

    I live in Atlantic City, NJ and I have caught 3 lionfish in my sane while catching things for a frinds tank. One was about 10 inches long and the other two were about 6-7 inches. I was very supprised when I saw them. I didnt think they could handle the cooler temps and lower salt levels this far...
  7. 1320wrx

    Gauging Intrest - MH/VHO Lighting in NJ

    How much are you asking for the HM's, I might be interested if the price is reasonable.
  8. 1320wrx

    Gauging Intrest - MH/VHO Lighting in NJ

    Where in jersey are you, I might be interested in the MH's if you will sell them seperate.
  9. 1320wrx

    Nano Skimmer?!?!

    I have tried this skimmer and had very little luck with it, I just got a Tunze Nano skimmer and in 24 hours it started skimming, I never even had to dial it in. i deff. recommend it
  10. 1320wrx

    catalina goby

    What temp do you keep your tank at?
  11. 1320wrx

    good HOB skimmer

    I have a D&D Typhoon on my 55 for awhile, but I took it off beacue the pump that it came with went bad. I still have it if u want to buy it, ill let it go for super cheap since i doesnt have a pump. When the pump was in good condition it produced alot of skimmate. It took alittle while to fine...
  12. 1320wrx

    WANTED: HOB Large Aquafuge.

    I have a large aquafuge i want to get rid of, it is about 7 months old. still in brand new shape other then algae dried on the sides of it. i upgraded the pump to a Rio 600. it will deff be big enough for a 150 as long as you give it some time for the pods and algaes to grow. i used sand when it...
  13. 1320wrx

    WTB lighting for 55 gal

    I have a two month old Current T5 Nova Extreme that i took off my 55 that started to leak. It is a very nice light, for those two months i was keeping clams, and they grew a half to a quarter inch. I live in NJ, and i don't wana ship. if you can pick it up this would be a great oppertunity. steve
  14. 1320wrx

    Algae problem sovled..and things i've learned..

    Can you explain how to test your Alk and what it is and what uses it. I recently had alot of coraline die and a huge diatom algae growth. that might have been the problem.
  15. 1320wrx

    Will aquarium silicone dry out and crack over time?

    Today i picked up a 125 RR for a price i couldnt pass up, I will be storing it for a year or two till i move out. Will the silicone dry out, crack and leak if the tank is left unfilled for a long period of time? or is there anything i can put on the silicone to keep it from drying out.
  16. 1320wrx

    Pics of my 40

    Great looking tank, i esp. like the clam in the 4th pic.
  17. 1320wrx

    My year old 55, soon to be reef

    I have been lurking on SWF for awhile now, mainly for ideas and just to gain knowledge. Since my tank has been up for quite some time now I think I'll let everyone see what i've been up to. When I first set up my tank I didn't have any idea what I was doing. I started my tank cycle with two very...
  18. 1320wrx

    180 reef ready f/s in nj

    Still interested in buying some coral, already talked to you on TST. Keep me in mind if you decide to get rid of anything.