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  1. biohaz201

    aqurium stuff for sale

    Sorry i haven't answered sooner. The set-up is about a 1 1/2 years old. It come with a fan and a timer. It is encased within a hood that has a metal reflector. It would come bulbs that were used for 6 months. Its still in excellent condition. I was hoping for around 400 but its not definite. I...
  2. biohaz201

    aqurium stuff for sale

    Thanks ecook for the interest. SaltyNewbie the pendant is a 96 watt compact fluorescent. Its made by PowerQuad. The ballast on the 440 is an Icecap ballast.
  3. biohaz201

    aqurium stuff for sale

    Thanks for the inquiry. The R/O is a Maxxima RO/DI Unit. It has 4 stages and it is rated at 24gpd. I was thinking around a hundred bucks. I would like your email address, just to give you more information about it, if you are still interested.
  4. biohaz201

    aqurium stuff for sale

    Hey guys, I am moving and well I have to get rid of the equipment. I live in El Paso ,TX. I have miscellaneous equipment. For the most part I would like to get rid of a 96 watt fluorescent pendant, 440 VHO lights with ballast, and reverse osmosis system. I guess who ever can come up with a...
  5. biohaz201

    55 gallon for sale, TX

    Hey guys, Peanut your better off buying a new one because I really don't think it would be worth it to ship the power head that way, sorry. Lion I will e-mail you later today.
  6. biohaz201

    55 gallon for sale, TX

    Well I have a power head, a seaclone protien skimmer(cracked but still works for the most part as good as the day i bought it), an r/o with deionization, a 96 watt pendant, 350 magnum filter, and cc and lr. Hope this helps.
  7. biohaz201

    55 gallon for sale, TX

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon for sale in El Paso, TX. I would really like to get rid of it so i will just take best offers as long as they are reasonable. If you need any more information just ask. I have some other stuff too.
  8. biohaz201

    55+... for sell

    Hey, like I said just your best offer. I will ship if you pay and that will be taken into account in your offer. If you would like to get in touch with me person to person, biohaz201 is my aol instant messenger name. If you use msn messenger the email is
  9. biohaz201

    55+... for sell

    Hi I have a used 55 gallon, equipment, and lr with some snails and crabs. If there is any body in or near El Paso, TX that would like to purchase any of it just post a message. I will give out more details if you need them, just let me know. No set price, just best offer.
  10. biohaz201

    what to get

    Thanks for the feed back any more would be appreciated.
  11. biohaz201

    what to get

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon that needs some renovations. With the renovations I will be getting some new inhabitants. I would some feed back to the combination I was thinking about getting. I have narrowed it down to a coral banded shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, royal gramma, percula clownfish, some...
  12. biohaz201

    acrylic canopy?

    Me too
  13. biohaz201

    acrylic canopy?

    Hey, I was just pointing something out. I have heard arguments as to whether or not to cover the aquarium. Some don't like to cover the aquarium because it reduces the impact of the lights. Then others like to cover the aquarium because its slows the evaporation rate and keeps your stock in...
  14. biohaz201

    acrylic canopy?

    Hi, I was just wondering if anybody has an acrylic canopy, whether they made it or bought . I was just thinking that if acrylic lets more light pass through than glass, why do you never hear of anybody having an acrylic canopy. I would like to replace my glass one if I can, especially if it...
  15. biohaz201

    65 watt pc bulbs

    Hi guys, does anybody know if there are 65 watt pc bulbs with a straight pin system. I know there are ones with square pin systems but I have yet to see a 65 watt bulb for a staight pin system. Any infomation is well appreciated.
  16. biohaz201

    help quick

    I have a clowfish about an inch that I added a few days ago. After I turn the lights on when I acclimated him the sixline I have attacked him for a few secs then backed off. I noticed today after about an hour almost half the clownfishes tail is gone. The clown fish is not hiding either he is...
  17. biohaz201

    your opinion

    Howdy salty. I liked the idea about the power filter just being used for circulation, but if I don't move the power filter I don't really know where I would put the refugium. I don't have a lot of space down under the aquarium with other stuff already being there. If I planned on keeping the...
  18. biohaz201

    your opinion

    Hey thanks for the opinion but Iwould like to clear some things up. First of all, the tang's growth is stunted so he won't grow anymore, I have had him for 2 years. Secondly I already have a power filter with biowheels. I would like to get rid of the power filter because I have a bad habit of...
  19. biohaz201

    your opinion

    Hello, I have a 55 fowlr and I would like to switch it to a reef tank. The plan I am considering would still take more consideration but this would just be a rough draft. Currently the equipment I have includes: a 350 magnum pro system including biowheels, a seaclone skimmer, a pc pendant 96...
  20. biohaz201

    what to +

    Hey guys thanks for the opinions and I will answer some questions. I do have a clean up crew so the gramma would be eaten. I have also checked every where out side the aquarium no where to be found. When i had the gramma he always came out when I fed them but i haven't seen him once and i...