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  1. bigeyedfish

    Isabel: 30hours+ no power

    attml, Not sure if its back on over your way. Up here in Germantown we got the power back last night around 11pm. hope everything makes it through!
  2. bigeyedfish

    Captive Bred Flame Angel

    My LFS owner was in an aquarium magazine approx 10 years ago detailing his successful breeding and rearing of flame angels. I'll see if I can find some info on it. if not i'll look at the article he has mounted behind the register at his shop. Jim at Tropical Fish World in Gaithersburg, MD
  3. bigeyedfish

    Anyone in Pa know where I can find Southdown, yardright or old castle

    I found it at the Bensalem, PA Home Depot a while back. Havent look since last summer. Was up on a business trip and picked up 5 bags for my bosses tank. Give them a call.
  4. bigeyedfish

    $300,000 aquarium

    this is what i am creating when i win powerball tonight :p
  5. bigeyedfish

    OT: Fortran 'write' command

    sorry only VB, ASP and Java here. try a math major, that was the only school in my college that still taught fortran.
  6. bigeyedfish

    OT. I am feeling old.

    toothbrushes were invented in 1981 right :D
  7. bigeyedfish

    OT. I am feeling old.

    I'm 24 as well and remember almost all of that stuff. Remember playing my friends atari and the day my parents bought me nintendo, remember not having cable, remember Ronald Reagan in office, remember watching the challenger explode (now two shuttles gone :( I am now dating a girl only two...
  8. bigeyedfish

    Just got back from the National Aquarium in Baltimore

    its not bad. if you go when its not crowded (early morning like 9 or 10 am) you'll get a lot more out of it. its hard to stop and take it all in with a thousand little kids screaming in your ear :mad: i guess i have a lot to look forward to when i have kids:rolleyes: but all in all, $20 well...
  9. bigeyedfish

    Just got back from the National Aquarium in Baltimore

    and last but not least, one of the bug ugly sharks
  10. bigeyedfish

    Just got back from the National Aquarium in Baltimore

    all i kept hearing from the little kids was "mom, dad, its nemo and dory! I want those!" thanks a lot Disney :rolleyes:
  11. bigeyedfish

    Just got back from the National Aquarium in Baltimore

    the amazing reef, soo many fish!
  12. bigeyedfish

    Just got back from the National Aquarium in Baltimore

    another blurry one of the seadragon
  13. bigeyedfish

    Just got back from the National Aquarium in Baltimore

    Here are some pics from the Aquarium. I hadnt been in about 10 years. I wish i could've gotten a decent pic on the seadragons, too bad i havent mastered taken pics of moving objects yet with the digi. sorry again if some are a little blurry.
  14. bigeyedfish

    Faces behind the post 2

    Ahh sorry about the size! Cant seem to get it to fit w/o scrolling. BTW Nolofinwe, in my college days we called it Beer Pong as well. The worst is when you've run out of beer at 3 am and are forced to play with small amounts of gin in each cup. :rolleyes: yeah it wasnt a good next day!
  15. bigeyedfish

    Faces behind the post 2

    Here's me relaxing in Aruba two weeks ago. Man I wish I was back there :(
  16. bigeyedfish

    can I have a Evansi Anthias In a 50 gal

    Not trying to flame or anything. Just trying to save you bucks, anthias dont do well in small tanks (some would say 100 is way too small), plus they need large schools of 5 to 7 for best results. i'd at least get two fish if I were you. Two tank raised ocellaris clowns would be nice. but your...
  17. bigeyedfish

    can I have a Evansi Anthias In a 50 gal

    stay away from anthia's unless you have a tank over 100 gallons and its matured for at least a year. for a 50 you'll want more than one fish and you can find two or three that would please you much more than one anthia.
  18. bigeyedfish

    OT Ad Busters, Popup Stopper Etc...Recommendations Plez!

    now that i look at my post, not sure if it answers the question or not. just make sure you look through what spyboy finds before hitting clean button. i know on my version, by default it only checks off the cookies, adware and spyware for cleaning. the other stuff it finds, gives you the option...
  19. bigeyedfish

    OT Ad Busters, Popup Stopper Etc...Recommendations Plez!

    ClarkiiBoi, So far I've ignored most of those recommendations. I primarily stick to the web stuff like cookies and spyware. If you notice an application giving you problems maybe then take a look at the other stuff. Unlike a lot in my field, i like to live by the motto, "If it aint broke dont...
  20. bigeyedfish

    OT Ad Busters, Popup Stopper Etc...Recommendations Plez!

    Beth, just hold down ctrl and then click the link. popup stopper will let it open, otherwise yes you can just disable temporarily.