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  1. bon-bon489


    Hello! Ive had the tank for going on a year now... it was given to me fully set up by a friend... and he had two sets of bubbles in it when he gave it to me and i just never knew if the bubbles really needed to be in there... I eventually took the one side of bubbles out but kept the other side...
  2. bon-bon489


    Thanks for the advice!!
  3. bon-bon489


    Hello!! I have a question on wether or not I should use bubbles in my tank. I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank with two powerheads and two filters... but i was wondering if there is a need for additional bubbles in the tank?!? Thanks in advance for any advice!!
  4. bon-bon489

    Three-Stripe Damsel... advice please

    Well thanks for all the advice!!
  5. bon-bon489

    Three-Stripe Damsel... advice please

    Hmmm... that stinks. I was hoping to add them because I love how they swim... would make a great addition to my tank if they werent soo mean.
  6. bon-bon489

    Three-Stripe Damsel... advice please

    Well the damsels are just a little bigger than the clown gobies. I dont know if that makes a difference.
  7. bon-bon489

    Three-Stripe Damsel... advice please

    My friend has two "three-stripe damsels" and he cant take care of them anymore. I have a 55 gallon tank... and I was wondering what everyone's opinion is about putting them in there. They are super cute and they are small in size... they have been living together in a 10 gallon tank and seem...
  8. bon-bon489

    The quarantine Question

    I was wondering how long everyone QT's their fish? I have heard many different answers... ranging from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. Any opinions?!?
  9. bon-bon489

    Might buy a seahorse...

    Goodluck with your little seahorse!! Its very cute... and I can imagine very entertaining.
  10. bon-bon489

    Question about splitting anemone...

    All i can say is that I learned the hard way about listening to my pet store. Nothing I can do about that now... but in the future my decisions will not be based on their advice anymore.
  11. bon-bon489

    Question about splitting anemone...

    Hmm... Guess I better start doing some research and find the prices of the correct lighting... thanks for the info... and once again I learn that you can never trust or listen to the people at the pet store!!
  12. bon-bon489

    Question about splitting anemone...

    When I purchased the anemone it looked like this... and hasnt changed in color since. What kind of lighting is required? I have a 55 gallon tank. Right now I have two 120 volts, 19 watts... 24'
  13. bon-bon489

    Question about splitting anemone...

    Yeah... Its not splitting... I was just wondering the risks of splitting. Because I have heard the more you feed it and the bigger it gets it will split... so I was just wondering. Ive had it for about 3 months now and it has been doing great... I agree its a bit white/bleached but everything...
  14. bon-bon489

    Question about splitting anemone...

    I've done research about anemone's splitting... and from what I read... they split due to stress or extremely good conditions. I'm just wondering if anybody has any personal experience on this topic... I currrently have a BTA (at least I think that's what is it), kinda hard to identify after...
  15. bon-bon489

    Lunar Wrasse Reef Safe?

    Hey there... In my personal experience I would not chance getting a shrimp. I had a Lunar and he would stop at nothing to try and eat my crabs... hermits and an emerald. If my crabs were not quick enough and able to hide he would snack on them. And from what I have heard of them they will eat...
  16. bon-bon489

    my angel has pop eye and a sore

    Did you treat with Maracyn-Two? Maybe there is an underlying infection that is causing him not to eat... Hmm... How is he doing today? Any better?
  17. bon-bon489

    my angel has pop eye and a sore

    Alrighty... goodluck!! It was a stressful five days for me... and I spent a number of hours just staring at my angel and wishing his eyes would look normal again. The medicine tinted my water a greenish color... but it was cleared up by the morning... and everything in the tank acted normal.
  18. bon-bon489

    question to all fishfood Chefs!

    I've read that some people save the little trays that the frozen food comes in... that they buy at the pet store. When its empty they mix up their batch and poor it in.
  19. bon-bon489

    my angel has pop eye and a sore

    Hey there... I came across your post and thought I could give some advice because my angel fish just suffered through the popeye diease... he only had one sore though... I purchased Maracyn-Two and followed the directions competely... I have a 55 gallon tank... no QT tank. The Maracyn-Two can...