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  1. jman72

    Setting up a sump

    I am putting a sump/fuge in my tank. It is a 30g ADHI on a 75 gallon tank. How much gph should be going through the sump, and how do I find out how powerful the return pump should be?
  2. jman72


    I test for every possible thing, but I only do ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alk, calcium, and ph every week. I do everything else every two weeks.
  3. jman72


    I'm not adding only calcium. I'm also adding iodine and a compound that contains soome other trace elements.
  4. jman72


    Yes, I feed a lo, they're just growing really fast right now.
  5. jman72


    I do water changes every week, but my corals suck up the calcium.
  6. jman72


    What is the best brand of additives to use? I'm thinking about switching from Brightwell Aquatics to Kent Marine. Any comments?
  7. jman72

    Protein Skimmers

    Thanks. I think I get it, but a diagram would definnitly help.
  8. jman72

    Protein Skimmers

    I don't understand. What is the difference between a recirculating skimmer and a regular skimmer?
  9. jman72

    SPS in my tank

    I do have the nova extreme, but I put reflectors on each light myself. Would a clam be okay higher up in the tank?
  10. jman72

    Clown Goby Citron, SPS safe or not?

    Clowns love to perch on branching sps and pretty much any other coral. They may occasionally nip, but nothing harmful IMO.
  11. jman72

    SPS in my tank

    Also, would a maxima clam be okay in my tank.
  12. jman72

    SPS in my tank

    My water quality is fine. So it would be okay to keep a monti species, but would it be okay to keep porites or birds nest coral. I have some lps in my tank and some xenia which I will shortly be taking out.
  13. jman72

    First molt - Does it tell me anything?

    I am not sure, but I think it is about 0.5ppm
  14. jman72

    SPS in my tank

    My 75 gallon tank has 216 watt T-5 lighting. Would it be okay for me to put an aquacultured acropora or other SPS coral like montipora in my tank if at the middle or upper levels?
  15. jman72

    First molt - Does it tell me anything?

    Shrimp often molt soon after introduction to the tank. If you are adding iodine, then he should be fine. However, right after a molt is when they are most vulnerable, so keep an eye on him if he isn't hiding in he rockwork.
  16. jman72

    I just came home with...

    Came home with some new friends! I got 3 emerald mithrax crabs, 1 serpent star that is a kind of pinkish colour, 5 blue leg and 5 burgandy hermits, 10 nassarius snails and something I have been waiting for for months now! A whisker coral frag! This is an amazing coral IMO. It looks a lot like a...
  17. jman72

    fish or corals?

    Corals! If corals didn't include inverts too, I wold go with fish, but with a tank of corals and a lobster or something, you can still have some movement.
  18. jman72

    Aiptasia...why so bad?

    Peppermint shrimp are cleaner shrimp, which pick off external parasites from fis and eat them. So it can just eat tthe ick off of your fish.
  19. jman72

    New Sump/Refugium

    Nevermind what I said before. I am going with the octopus! Have it figured out now! Thanks!
  20. jman72

    New Sump/Refugium

    I am just going to use one of those skimmers. I want some advise on which one to use. The octopus is a little expensive for me.