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  1. sduerk

    Red Slime Algae????

    I'm currently battling red slime algae. I have had very high phosphates and I'm using phosgard and it is bringing them down. I did not think that I was overfeeding either. When I first started battlling it I was told by my LFS and is not bad advice but I was told to cut back on the feeding...
  2. sduerk

    followup to "help this algae is taking over"

    I don't remember what size it was. I paid 28 bucks for the container and the bag to put it in. I did not buy the largest size container though if that helps.
  3. sduerk

    followup to "help this algae is taking over"

    Went to the pet store yesterday to look for a phospahate sponge and purchased phosgard by Seachem. Any one have experience with this?
  4. sduerk

    Please Help..this algae is taking over

    my source water is distilled water from BiLO a local grocery store. So i know it is pure water.
  5. sduerk

    Please Help..this algae is taking over

    I have what appears to be red slime algae that is slowly taking over my tank. I noticed it around 4-6 weeks ago and consulted the LFS about it. They tested my water and it showed high phospahates and otherwise pristine water conditions. They suggested I decrease the feeding and do several...
  6. sduerk

    blue eye goniopora

    Has anyone ever had any experience with "Blue eye goniopora"? Bought one last night and am having a hard time finding anything about them.
  7. sduerk

    follow up to "is my leather dying"

    Thanks again SIF. I look forward to speaking with you again.
  8. sduerk

    follow up to "is my leather dying"

    Well I followed what you suggested and things have improved. He is standing straight up and down and his polyps are almost all the way out. THey look like little "buds". I'll post when they are completely exposed. Why do you think what I did helped? Was he not getting the right current of...
  9. sduerk

    follow up to "is my leather dying"

    I can't thank you enough. This is the most attention that I've ever received on a post. I'll follow the instructions and hopefully that will be that. Once more, Thank you very much.
  10. sduerk

    follow up to "is my leather dying"

    Okay i'll try and get to all of those questions... and thank you for your devotion to this problem. The patches are on the top of the cap. He has no polyps out at all. the cap is not shriveled but smooth and almost waxy looking which I have read is a sign of him sloughing off some skin. I have...
  11. sduerk

    follow up to "is my leather dying"

    very interesting, i can't believe you remember that. Come to find out that the test kit that I own and the one that the pet store recommended were both pretty faulty. I brought my water up to the store and my parameters are perfect. 0's across the board. I have green star polyps and a BTA...
  12. sduerk

    What's happening to my leather?

    My leather umbrella has not exposed his polyps for around 2 - 3 weeks now and I read that that was normal. Well nothing has changed except for he is now exhibiting dark "red" or "brown" spots that are aroung 1/2 in in diameter. There are around three of them that have shown up over the last two...
  13. sduerk

    follow up to "is my leather dying"

    My leather umbrella has not exposed his polyps for around 2 - 3 weeks now and I read that that was normal. Well nothing has changed except for he is now exhibiting dark "red" or "brown" spots that are aroung 1/2 in in diameter. There are around three of them that have shown up over the last...
  14. sduerk

    is my leather umbrella dead?

    okay according to NATURAL REEF AQUARIUMS by John Tullock they will do this for a week or more as they slough off a layer of skin. Thanks for the help.
  15. sduerk

    is my leather umbrella dead?

    And how do I tell if he is? He has not "opened" up his appendages in probably a week or so. He's done this before but usually during that period he would at least have some of his "things" out. Can I smell him to be sure?
  16. sduerk

    okay what are these things....

    First of tank is around two years old or so now and since I've added pc's and more supplements the tank has just exploded with life. All over the corraline algae on the LR is looks like hair is growing. Small white filaments are coming off of it in pairs. Any idea? I've seen a VERY...
  17. sduerk

    will another cleaner shrimp help?

    My blue hippo has come down with ick. I am currently feeding him and the other tank inhabitants food with garlic. My cleaner shrimp is just ignoring him and has "taken" to my new BTA. He barely budges from being right beside him unless it's feeding time. However, before I added the BTA, my...
  18. sduerk

    tomato clown with false percs?

    I did some more research and I found that as usual there is around a 50/50 split between those who think it will be ok and those who think it's suicide. So once again the philosophy of "it's your tank and therefore, you decision" rules. But I appreciate you input.
  19. sduerk

    tomato clown with false percs?

    I have two false perculas and I saw a tomato clown with a LTA in the pet store the other day. For some reason I seem to remember someone saying not to mix different clown fish. Is there any truth to this and will the addition affect or somehow harm the BTA that I already have in the tank. The...
  20. sduerk

    How am I supposed to do this?????

    I believe I put a fish in my main display tank that had Ick...Yellow Tang. I quarantined him when I noticed it but he eventually died. Now my blue hippo has what I believe is ick so it's obviously in my main display (reef) tank. So how do I treat the tank that has corals in it. I am...