Search results

  1. reefcrazy

    Confused on where to put ricordia mushroom

    one think i notice about mushrooms they do not like water currents put them were they don't get alot of water current that woundn't lift them up and closer to the light. i had the same problem and now that they are happy out of 3 shrooms i have 8 in like only 3 months.
  2. reefcrazy

    Ordering book now ! Need suggestions !

    sammy is right i have this book to and i use it alot. i think is the best one i seen yeat. also what coral did you get.
  3. reefcrazy


    your lfs is right now the question is what are you planning on keeping on that 55 if you want only softis i would go ahead and use only 4 40w bulbs but if you are talking about lps i would go with 4 pcs or 4 vho and if you want sps get mh i would recomend for sps 2 250w mh with two 40w atinic...
  4. reefcrazy

    lawnmower bleny any good info

    does any one have any good info in a lawnmower bleny
  5. reefcrazy

    need to know how many gallons is my tank.

    ok a friend gave me his old tank it mesures 48" long 21" tall and 12 and 1/2" wide. he didn't have a stand so i'll be looking in to a dys stand.
  6. reefcrazy

    65k and 10k mh bulbs results after a few weeks.

    i get most of it off with my hands and the one hard to get with a tooth brush. some will fly into the water i catch it with my net and the rest goes into my over flow and gets stuck in my over flows filter were then i clean that off too. it help alot if you have a clean up crew, i only have like...
  7. reefcrazy

    65k and 10k mh bulbs results after a few weeks.

    ironreef about the brand of the 10k plus i'm not shure of the brand but i know it is a 10k plus blue line bulb. some one might know what brand it is.
  8. reefcrazy

    65k and 10k mh bulbs results after a few weeks.

    temp is no problem i have a hood that i made my self is 12in tall, i have one fan running when my atinics come on the fan comes on. temp is always 80 82 at the most. for all the algea on the rock that i have on the 65k side i clean that up with my hads it comes off real easy is like slime algea...
  9. reefcrazy

    65k and 10k mh bulbs results after a few weeks.

    (*.*) well here are the close ups that i youst took. this is the 65k side look at the hugly algea all over the rock, heres another one. ok now here's one from the 65k side. you can see the difference in the rock. look at this other close up from the 10k side. you can see some coraline...
  10. reefcrazy

    65k and 10k mh bulbs results after a few weeks.

    ok as you can see on this picture i have a 65k mh bulb on one side and a 10k plus on the other side. the 10k plus light bulb is a bulb that makes a blue light but not as trong as the other blue mh, ok i couldn't dicide on what bulbs to put on, so i tried them both, i like the 10k bulb more on...
  11. reefcrazy

    Metal Halides...

    well if you want to keep softies and some lps you can go with one 250 mh if you want sps go with two 250 mh or even better two 400 mh.
  12. reefcrazy

    aclamating a coral?

    you should always acclimate any ting you put in your tank, the drip mettod is a good way of doing it and if you're going to aclimate them in your tank make shure to turn off any lights that produce alot of heat, you don't want to burn your corals. if you don't aclimate you coral you can shock...
  13. reefcrazy

    All Gone!!!!

    this is what you need a refuge to keep algea in there instead of the main tank. i made the one up my self with plexi glass. real cool.
  14. reefcrazy

    live sand or miracle mud for refuge.

    i haven't hear alot about this miracle mud does some one think is better than live sand for the refuge. i will have my refuge ready in about a month and i'm not shure of what to use.
  15. reefcrazy

    Live Rock Poll...Please give your 2 cents

    72g 100p of live rock, 200p of southdown sand and 100p of live sand.
  16. reefcrazy

    aptasia right next to my xenia.

    thats my problem that if i inject it i might get my xenia, i done that before with hot water and it works but i don't want to kill my xenia.
  17. reefcrazy

    aptasia right next to my xenia.

    ok i have a aptasia right next to my xenia, it's not stinging it but it's real close to it, what would be the best way to get rid of it with out damagind my xenia. i only have this one that came with the rock were my xenia came with and don't want the aptasia speading over my reef.
  18. reefcrazy

    Don't Mind this , testting how to put pic's on Message board.

    i'm not a monitor of this site, any ways if it was up to me i'll leave this on for others to see how to post pics.
  19. reefcrazy

    Don't Mind this , testting how to put pic's on Message board.

    another thing yahoo will not let any one post pics some were else if you use the url code from yahoo that's why i said to try posting my picture.
  20. reefcrazy

    Don't Mind this , testting how to put pic's on Message board.

    you mean like this. ok i'll try to show you how, now lets see if you can post my picture again. go to the image and press the right button on the mouse, go to propertys, a small screen is going to pop open now highlight the adress or (url) and press control and the button c on you key bord at...