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  1. star master

    Obama supporters. I have one question

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman The guy's an idiot. We know Al Qaeda is in Iraq. We know we are at war with Al Qaeda. So Barak proposes leaving Iraq (where we know Al Qaeda is) to go looking for Al Qaeda in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan... Let me clarify: We LEAVE a battlefield...
  2. star master

    Obama supporters. I have one question

    Hillary and Obama suck!!!!!!!!
  3. star master

    Thinking of getting a 55 - 75 gal What do I need??

    I have a 55 g and I am 14. I have a fluval 304, prizm protein skimmer, 100w heater and 200 w - 250w of light.
  4. star master

    Brand New Colored Leather Tree Dying Please Help!

    well usually a coral like that will stay in shock for as little as 48 hrs. and the most is up to 1 week.
  5. star master

    Please don't vote for McCain

    All the people downing mccain are pissing me off. I swear to god Hillary sucks and obama is nothing more than a bleeding heart liberal who sucks as well. If any one was smart they would know that mccain has the most experienc because he has been senate the longest as well as been in the...
  6. star master

    Dinosaurs and the Bible

    Originally Posted by FireRescue God created dinosaurs to fertilize the earth. You might ask why when God can do whatever he wants? Just like us God likes different things and just like me have always been fasinated with dinosaurs. They served their purpose and no longer were needed. I must...
  7. star master

    IDENTIFY! What is this thing?

    I have something exactly like that and it has been there for 5 months. I find that it is harmless but still do not know what it is.
  8. star master

    Blue Linckia Starfish help...

    Blue lickia's do not even have to be drip acclimated. I find it a waste of time to acclimate anything more than 20 min; if that. I have owned at least 5 blue linckia's and every time I receive one I take it out and throw it in the tank. IN the 7 years I have been in this hobby I have had nothing...
  9. star master


    of coarse but not a small one. Usually 3-5 inches to start is good. I have a chocolate chip star in my tank with a puffer, lion, and 2 eels.
  10. star master

    Need help with my stock for my 175

    Well first off I will say that the dwarf lion and black puffer will not mix at all. I owned the same two fish and the black puffer killed my dwarf lion. It could have just been my luck or the dwarf lion jumped out of the tank because he was But then the black puffer died the same day...
  11. star master

    scooter blenny in three gallon...

    If you want a scooter blenny in your 3 gallon, it will be o.k. as long as you buy some copepods for 9.99 on SWF. I have two scooters in my 55 g and kept them for 3 months with no adding of copepods. I still have them. Definately consider it; they are so facinating to watch.
  12. star master

    Coolest fish in your tank!

    My favorite is my scooter blenny. He is so interesting and facinating to watch, especialy when he raises his fin because it has so many colors. Definately most colorful fish in my tank.
  13. star master

    Sand Sifters

    Sand sifting Stars, Sand sifting cucumbers, and Cleaner Clams all are excellent at Sand Siftitg. They are not to expensive on SWF either.
  14. star master

    ich treatement in FOWLR

    Hellow I have been doing reef tanks for at least 7 yrs. and I find the easiest way to cure diseses like ick is to put 1 clener shrimp per 25 g of water.