Search results

  1. kmatysek

    fungia anthocauli

    I'm still around, although I haven't posted in a while (tooooo many hours at work). And, sad to say, we lost the entire plate coral a few months ago. We didn't lose anything else at the time so I don't know what the problem was. I've been having difficulty keeping SPS, I assume due to my...
  2. kmatysek

    fungia anthocauli

    jon- No apparent injury (except for a snail or two falling on it) and it's been in a relatively safe spot since the beginning (no stinging tentacles). I really think it's due to a weakened state when our water quality took a dive (and we lost a few other stonies at the same time). Thanks for...
  3. kmatysek

    fungia anthocauli

    Christine, You make a good point for the stress-induced reproduction case! It is interesting that that strategy applies to plants and fungi as well. I'm a computer geek by trade, but very interested in biology myself. You're right, this hobby can be wonderful for observing so much of the...
  4. kmatysek

    calcium question

    Yeah, I'd try again. I'm no expert, but I wouldn't think you'd be above 400-450 without additives. I think that's what you start with when you mix in the salt. Then if you have anything depleting the calcium (such as coralline algae or corals), it will drop. Do you have nay coralline algae...
  5. kmatysek

    fungia anthocauli

    Wow, enhancements can make a big difference. I'll have to play with that (cheaper than a new camera!). Yeah, I haven't seen much about these guys and only one other picture (from Eric Borneman's book, that I've seen on postings here). I have to admit that we had this lucky occurrence I think...
  6. kmatysek

    calcium question

    Wow, I'm assuming you must be adding something to the water to drive the calcium up that high (B-ionic or other?).
  7. kmatysek

    fungia anthocauli

    Anybody out there have any experience with fungia anthocauli? We've got between 20 and 30 that started in August. I'm trying to decide whether to: Snap them off so that their over-crowing (as they grow) doesn't affect their adult shape. Or to let them 'hop' off in their own time. (Plus I have a...
  8. kmatysek

    TONS of Pulsing Xenia frags in Buffalo, NY- want to trade...

    sprkcs- Sure, although I haven't done the propogation yet, so it will be a week or two. - Kathy
  9. kmatysek

    TONS of Pulsing Xenia frags in Buffalo, NY- want to trade...

    sprkcs, are you looking for xenia or yellow leather?
  10. kmatysek

    TONS of Pulsing Xenia frags in Buffalo, NY- want to trade...

    Guy, Red Sea Xenia would be great. I will post back or email you when the frags are ready to go (I'll probably do the cutting tomorrow so it will be at least a week). I can also come to Warsaw (kove to see your refugium!). Either way will work for me. - Kathy
  11. kmatysek

    FS: Ricordia, Xenia, Zoanthid rock w/Mushrooms

    oregon_gorge and lime, Wow, this is kind of exciting! A couple of things, though: I think I mentioned that I haven't done this before (except cutting off a small extension at it's base when we bought it, but that little guy took off great and we were newbies at the time, so I'm sure we can do...
  12. kmatysek

    I need an ID please!!!

    Just for kicks, here's a shot of our vermetid...
  13. kmatysek

    FS: Ricordia, Xenia, Zoanthid rock w/Mushrooms

    I've been thinking about fragging, too. As I replied to another Xenia thread, I am interested in getting some Xenia and/or maybe ricordia. We've got a yellow leather (sarcophyton elegans) that I am ready to try propogating if you're interested in a trade. (I've attached a shot of our yellow...
  14. kmatysek

    I need an ID please!!!

    We have one of these guys that we discovered on our rocks. He is absolutely my favorite hitchhiker. I don't know how much time you've spent watching him, but ours reels in stuff off the bottom of the tank or rocks and over time has built up his outer-covering with large fragments of...
  15. kmatysek

    TONS of Pulsing Xenia frags in Buffalo, NY- want to trade...

    I'm in Rochester and I am interested in getting some Xenia. We've got a yellow leather (sarcophyton elegans) that I am ready to try propogating if you're interested in that. We have two, so I'm feeling confident enough to cut into one of 'em (my only experience so far was starting the second...
  16. kmatysek

    little white guys?

    So that's what these are. I posted this a year ago and was told by someone that they are a species of tunicate, but never could find a tunicate photo that matched. There's a photo of a Leucilla sponge: I had to laugh at the reference to...
  17. kmatysek

    Flake-spilled, algae bloom and bacterial bloom, help!

    Naso, Sounds like you're on the road to recovery, so this advice probably isn't needed, but... The suggestion to fill a big rubbermaid bin with LFS water and temporarily place your corals and fish in there is not a bad idea. You wouldn't have to worry about a mini-cycle (I don't think) because...
  18. kmatysek

    Suddenly hot...

    NM Reef- Aw, I think you're on to something. I know I haven't cleaned the powerheads in a little while. Darn, why didn't I think of that (and I call myself an electrical engineer:) )! It's also good to know that a heater can fail 'open'. Yes, I was worried that stuff would cook before I...
  19. kmatysek

    Suddenly hot...

    saltyrich- Thanks for the heater recommendation - I'll check it out. Yea, I should have said that I'm not worried about it being 82 degrees, but I am worried that I don't know why it suddenly went up and want to be sure I've eliminated the culprit. Hoping someone's been there...
  20. kmatysek

    Suddenly hot...

    We have a 2 1/2 year-old set up (90g) which is suddenly running hot (82 degrees). We keep it at 75 and I have never had a problem. (Our house is air-conditioned and is at 75 all the time in the summer, so that's not it.) I unplugged the heater last night (it's a 'Visi-therm') and I'm waiting...