Search results

  1. reefnutpa

    Freshwater Dip

    Sorry if I'm not up to date on your issue. Is the problem that the seahorse is trying to eat (snick) at food and can't.... or that it just isn't eating? If it just isn't eating... that doesn't indicate a dip is in order. If it tries, but can't eat...then yes, a dip would be the first step in...
  2. reefnutpa

    Where is everybody?

    I'm still around :) Sold off most of the Erectus I have, I'm down to a dozen or so. The older pairs are still breeding, but I'm not raising the fry at this point. Just no time.... and quite frankly, too hard to sell them off locally or within driving distance. I still have 7 tanks...
  3. reefnutpa

    Water problems Need advice quickly

    Since, to me, it sounds like you are unsure whether you plan to continue or not it would be rather pointless of me to offer any advise/suggestions on how to procede in the future. With that said, I don't think you made any major mistakes. A few things really popped out at me while reading all...
  4. reefnutpa

    Water problems Need advice quickly

    I didn't forget you... I read ALL your posts late last night. I'll have some thoughts/suggestions for you today yet. Got lots to do around the house but I'll get to it ASAP. That's the downfall of me having so many pets and tanks..not enough time in a day! Tom
  5. reefnutpa

    Water problems Need advice quickly

    Based on the initially posted water parameters (registered Nitrite reading but no Ammonia reading) I would say the initial problem was a newly cycled tank was fighting to keep up with the biological demands that a dwarf seahorse tank puts on the tank. Dwarf tanks are NOT easy to keep. Honestly...
  6. reefnutpa

    Dinoflagellates and seahorses

    Teresa... Don't quote me on this - you'll have to double check. I THINK I recall reading on another message board if you increase the Magnesium in the tank to like 1600 or 1700 it helps. I think it was for dino. Something with the pH too. I didn't really pay too much attention and commit it...
  7. reefnutpa

    6g Dwarf Tank

    While I'm not a fan of divided dwarf tanks at all, your tank looks very nice. Good job! FWIW... the adult dwarfs I've had were all WC, purchased from various popular sources. I had no long-term luck at all with a vendor on a popular auction site. Tom
  8. reefnutpa

    breeding seahorses need info please

    The store you work at should be able to special order them through their fish wholesaler. The wholesaler I work with at my store can get them - yours should be able to as well. Tom
  9. reefnutpa

    So much for taking a break...

    Originally Posted by DEE77 what kind of horse are these??? Southern Erectus
  10. reefnutpa

    I was a bad girl

    Clowns are damsels in fancy clothes :) Some people just don't understand the issue with clownfish. It is NOT the fact they may pick on the seahorses. It is the fact they have very erradic swimming patterns and eat aggressively. That is a stress factor for seahorses. They don't need to "go...
  11. reefnutpa

    breeding seahorses need info please

    Wishing you the best of luck. Post updates as things progress. Tom
  12. reefnutpa

    breeding seahorses need info please

    Please do not get in the hobby for the sole purpose of breeding/making money. You will be sorely dissapointed. Seriously. I kept dwarfs for 4+ years. At it's prime, my tank had 50+ dwarfs. Trust me when I say, after a few broods of fry they stop breeding. This is thought to be nutritional...
  13. reefnutpa

    Feeding dwarf seahorses

    Originally Posted by Jaodissa it looks like tisbe pods are different from Tigriops sp. correct? It looks like they would be as easy to cultivate also so if this is true and they are not as aggressive as Tigriops sp. why would someone not breed them and feed these daily along with baby brine...
  14. reefnutpa

    Feeding dwarf seahorses

    You can feed 24 hour old enriched baby brine shrimp long-term as their main foodsource.... as long as you are using an assortment of enrichments to give the best possible nutrition. You can purchase/add enriched tisbe pods to the tank on occassion as a 'treat' or as supplemental feeding which...
  15. reefnutpa

    So much for taking a break...

    I have many pairs of seahorses of breeding age, so I get fry often.
  16. reefnutpa

    So much for taking a break...

    Sorry for the delay in responding! I admit to successes and failures... this brood was definitely a failure. Mostly on my part.December is absolutely horrible as far as the time I have to spend at home. As anyone else in retail management knows, the Christmas season is murderously long hours...
  17. reefnutpa

    new to SH

    Sorry... definitely not. You might be able to get away with a pair of fuscus in a 15 gal tank, but nothing would work in a 5 gal except dwarfs (and I prefer a 10 for dwarfs. Tom
  18. reefnutpa

    new to SH

    Hi there! Before I spend a lot of time and go in-depth with answering your questions.... a quick note or two for you. Dwarf seahorses will need to be fed live foods at least twice a day. Meaning, you will need to have at least two hatchers of brine shrimp going at all times. You will also...
  19. reefnutpa

    Dragon seamoth?

    I tried a seamoth twice at my store. Both times my supplier thought they were doing me a favor. They occassionally send unique things to me as an "extra" because they know I'm into more unique fish. The first one I couldn't get to eat at all and it died in about 1 1/2 weeks. The second one...
  20. reefnutpa

    Odd Experiment: Would it be doable?

    While it might be do-able, it's way overkill IMO. There really is no reason for something so large - the fry aren't raised with the parents, and 500 gallons for a few breeding pairs would just be a nightmare to me. Especially if they could only be viewed from the top. The height of the...