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  1. notafishexpert

    Im adding this??

    You may want to consider changing to Seachem products. They are ionicaly balanced. It is very hard to overdose with their products.
  2. notafishexpert

    Lighting and Corals

    The key to PC's is change them regularly. As for SPS I would only keep them under halides. I would use caution with LPS corals unless kept high in the tank. Maxima, Crocea clams not a good idea however you should be ok with gigas clams. until it outgrows your tank
  3. notafishexpert

    Will 400w halide require chiller??

    Egg crate will help keep the temp down. Where do you live? Do you have central AC are you planning on running it? I would really sway you into 250's I think you will be unhappy with 400's. Most places don't put their coral under that much light, bleaching can occur very easily and quickly going...
  4. notafishexpert

    uv sterilizer

    almostclueless........I have to say I am in awe at your reply. I would absolutely use a Uv and any tank whether it is reef, fish only or freshwater. Guess it is time to scholl all of you on the benefits of UV sterilzation. So here goes: As a fish hobbist ( marine fish ) of over 30 years the two...
  5. notafishexpert

    Best T5 Bulb manufacturer

    I concur giesman have the best color to color ratio and the least fall off of overall intensity.
  6. notafishexpert

    Running MH.

    I find 10 hours a day Ideal. A total light cycle of 12 hours using actinics only for 1 hour before and 1 hour after is a great cycle which has worked well for me.
  7. notafishexpert

    Will 400w halide require chiller??

    Y would you want two 400 watt halides on a 75. In my observations ( 35 Years worth ) I think you will be happy with 2 250 watt halides, There are to many variables to be able to adaquately assess whether or not you need a chiller. For example, are you going to cover the tank, are you going to...
  8. notafishexpert


    Just curious, Sepulation, have you tried using Maracyn, I would like to know if you have personal experience with using the product and what the outcome was. If it is slime algae that is really a bacteria, which Maracyn will take care of overnight with very very little adverse affects to the...
  9. notafishexpert


    Sounds like slime algae. Use Saltwater Maracyn at half dose. Will get rid of problem overnight. Maracyn is safe to use with all marine inhabitants if used at half dose.
  10. notafishexpert

    best size powerhead for 180 reef

    What type of filter are you going to use? I would personaly use two Sea Swirls hooked up to the return of your Refug/wetdry. I would also reccommend not using internal powerheads as a result of voltage stray. Use an external pump on your Refug/wet dry.
  11. notafishexpert

    Anyone have these 2 fish?

    Like most marine fish you will have what I like to call the 2 hour issue, anytime you add a new fish the first two hours is test the new guy time, after that in MOST cases the old fish loses intrest and the new fish does fine. If in doubt add two fish at a time, the all hell breaks loose any the...
  12. notafishexpert

    Flame Angel and Coral Beauty

    They will be fine. Most Marine fish will fight for territory when first introduced to a new tank. I have had these fish together for many years with no ill affects. As for your LFS, they are not all out to get you, some of them are actual hobbist who turned owner and have far more experience...
  13. notafishexpert

    Anyone have these 2 fish?

    I have three tanks my 54 gal has a flame angel, coral beauty, and a bicolor. Tank has been up and running for about 8 years now fish have been in there for no less than 3 of those years. 180 gal has a flame angel, coral beauty, bi color, eilbli, flameback, and keyhole angel, all getting along...