Search results

  1. jallen32c

    CPR HOB bak pak skimmer

    Mine was very loud at first. After looking around I noticed it was the airline tubing that ran to the outside of the tank that was making it so loud. Here is two things I have done and you can barely here now. 1. I changed the airline tubing it came with to a piece about 2x's as long...
  2. jallen32c

    Help with stock list

    I am wanting to to add some new life to my tank. I have 55 gallon tank with a 10 gallon sump. There is 3 clown fish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 turbo snails, 1 margarita snail, 1 cereth snail, 1 scooter blenny, 5 nassarius snail, zoas, and rics. All suggestions are appreciated
  3. jallen32c

    hydor and BTA

    Plastic tank divider works great. Just cut to size and put a rubberband around it. Pantyhose works also but I had to clean it all of the time.
  4. jallen32c

    Hair Algae Frag tank

    I tried dt's a couple of times but have not fed in weeks. I do not have a phosphate test will need to get one.
  5. jallen32c

    Hair Algae Frag tank

    Using Instant ocean salt and rodi water from the beginning
  6. jallen32c

    Hair Algae Frag tank

    I have 20L set up as a frag tank. It has a 10 gallon sump/refugium. 2 24in t5's. I am having a hard time keeping the hair algae under control. I do not have any fish or cuc in the tank. I have a 3 level rack with zoas and ric's. What can I do to get the algae under control. Nitrates 0...
  7. jallen32c

    ls on my lr how do i remove?

    Nope Rock first then sand. You got it right. The rock needs to set on the bottom of the tank so it does not shift on top of the sand.
  8. jallen32c

    Brownish Red Algae

    I am doing a 10% waterchange weekly. I am feeding a combination of formula one flat freezer pack, mysis shrimp and oraglo. I have a rodi that i use to make water
  9. jallen32c

    New Set up research

    What are you planning on putting in the tank? Fish Corals?
  10. jallen32c

    Brownish Red Algae

    I have a 55 gallon tank with about 2"-4" inches of sand (depending on part of tank) and 60 lbs of live rock. I have 3 false perculas, cleaner shrimp, 4 mexican turbos, couple of small hermits , and about 10 or so nassarius snails. I have 2 t5's, a bakpak skimmer, penguin 350, and 2 maxijet...
  11. jallen32c

    Filtration system..

    U can cycle without the lights. But everthing else is needed.
  12. jallen32c

    Planting vegetation

    I put a little sand on mine every few inches or so. It will attach to LR if you have any in there. My main goal was to keep it from floating around and let it grow.
  13. jallen32c

    Refugium Plumbing

    I am setting up a 20l with a 10gallon refugium. I am going to run a 350 gph overflow and a mag 5 return. My question is on the plumbing. THe mag 5 has a 1/2 mpt outlet. Should I run 1/2" pvc or increase size? If 1/2" do they make a 1/2" ball valve? My head ht is only about 2' so I should...
  14. jallen32c

    $10 Frag Extravaganza

    pm sent about shipping date
  15. jallen32c

    Help Had 3 percs added another...fighting

    well i felt sorry for him so I gave him to the lfs he will defenitly be better off at least i hope he will
  16. jallen32c

    breaking down 1 tank

    pm sent
  17. jallen32c

    breaking down 1 tank

    Is the pump still available?
  18. jallen32c

    $10 Frag Extravaganza

    pm sent
  19. jallen32c

    Help Had 3 percs added another...fighting

    So should I take him and the other nin pair clown to the lfs or should i keep the other clown in the tank since theother two dont seem to be bothered by her?
  20. jallen32c

    Help Had 3 percs added another...fighting

    why no more than 2?