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  1. don1234

    Plant Control

    Haha! Very Funny! I know...I know. Sorry! Some reason the picture didn't load. So what do you think about the image that I sucessfully uploaded this time around?
  2. don1234

    Algae Identification Thread

    Here is one! Anyone know what this is and how to control it?
  3. don1234

    Plant Control

  4. don1234

    Plant Control

    I like this plant being in my tank, but it often grows out of control. Any suggestions on how to control it? What will eat it?
  5. don1234

    white algae pic

    Look good to me. I had some white Coraline Algae growth on a few of my rocks that looked like that. But not saying that is what is in your picture. Very Similiar looking though.
  6. don1234

    Thoughts on Adding Niger Trigger to Reef Tank

    Thats the reason for my post. To get information. Thank you for your input! I actually have the the Niger Trigger already as it was given to me only just a few days ago do to the rapid deployment of one of my neighbors which happens to be a us soldier. I have the Niger Trigger in a smaller QT...
  7. don1234

    Thoughts on Adding Niger Trigger to Reef Tank

    Thinking about adding a Nigger Trigger to Reef tank. I've read that they are NOT Reef Safe and that they ARE Reef Safe with the possibility to eat snails. SWF list them as NOT reef safe, but what is the general Consensus? 75 Gallon 1 yellow eye tang, 1 Clown, 1 damsel, 1 Goby, several...
  8. don1234

    CBS vs Peppermints

    I have several aptasia growing in places that I cant reach. I also have a CBS. I have put a few pepermints in a while back to help with the aptasia, but the CBS ate them immediately. Should I just take him out if I can catch him. Then let the pepermints do their job?
  9. don1234

    Has anyone seen this before?

    Dirt....algae....I had some forming on several live rocks....I readjusted the flow on a few of them and it went away....then I I added a few more blue legged and another emeral crab....and that took care of it. Can't really get the snails to attack it.
  10. don1234

    New 75 Gallon Setup FOWLR! Woot Woot!

    I like your aquascape! Looks like you have some nice porous rocks!
  11. don1234

    Snail Problems

    How long has your tank been established and what other types of life do you have as well as what are your water parameters?
  12. don1234

    Something is not right..

    Okay I went back and read one of your post and saw where you have mixed sand and aquarium gravel for the bedding. Here is another thought why the cloudiness may not be going away, the salt could be eating away at the gravel and releasing some type of chemicals. I've seen the white aquarium...
  13. don1234

    Something is not right..

    Hmmm then that may rule that theory out. Was the rock dry when you got it? It looks like live rock that needs or needed to be cured. I purchased some uncurred live rock at one point in time I placed it in another tank until it curred for about thirty days and the tank clouded and unclouded a...
  14. don1234

    Something is not right..

    Possibly you could have had a bubble anemone or any type of anemone for that matter that was a hitcher and that has died or gotten sucked up in your power head or filter. When bubble anemones get sucked up in a power head they usually make the tank look exactly like yours. Then the stingers...
  15. don1234

    Hair Algae.. gone wild

    A blue spotted sea hare will eat it like crazy.
  16. don1234

    Something is not right..

    Wow! I've only been in the hobby for a very short time, but a couple of things that I could suggest is that maybe your power heads may be stirring up the sand band. You also mentioned that the brittle star has lost his legs. How big is or was it and how big is your coral banded shrimp. You...
  17. don1234

    Hair Algae.. gone wild

    Years ago my uncle had a 75 Gallon reef tank....the entire back glass was completely covered in hair algae from top to bottom and side to side. But it was incredible! Everything lived in it. Sea horses, crabs, bristle worms, snails, the tangs ate it. Crabs mainly would just hang off it and...
  18. don1234

    Hair Algae.. gone wild

    This might be a little off topic, but I have a pretty nice size patch of hair algae that grows off and out of the overflow of my protein skimmer. Normally the mouth of the skimmer is a little out of the water, but when I do top offs the water level raises to the overflow of the skimmer thus...
  19. don1234

    Ro di

    Thanks for all of the replies...helps greatly!
  20. don1234

    Ro di

    Okay...I've done some research and see that there are several different types of RO DI units available. I've seen several that are 75GPD, but different prices. Any recommendations?