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  1. kspops

    The World's Shortest Books

    You forgot the book OJ wrote about how he was going to find the real killers of his wife and Ron Goldman.
  2. kspops

    Anyone feel a rumbling in Cali?

    It might have been a reaction from the Floridians shivering from the 25+ degree temps...
  3. kspops

    The Holiday 180 Gallon

    Originally Posted by dingus890 Looks great! I really like the Ancor. Really adds a unique touch! Can't wait to see the progress I had to give the tank a taste of my past, time in the US Canoe Club. It was fun to make with the DIY live rock.
  4. kspops

    The Holiday 180 Gallon

    All the rock is from the old tank, and 2/3 or so are from the old tank, the rest is new. I did rinse the old sand and the rock in some of the old water, I made about 150 gallons of new salt and RO/DI. Then filled the rest with old water.
  5. kspops

    The Holiday 180 Gallon

    Just wanted to post a picture of my 180 gallon setup. I have had this up for a week now with some new steps for me and a transfer of my 135 system. I have been checking the parameters all week and with some water, Rock and sand from my old tank, I have no noticeable change. I want to get my fish...
  6. kspops

    I must have been a good boy, or just good.

    Just added some Homemade corner covers for the tank. I had them soaking in fresh for the cement curing process. Now I still want more rock.
  7. kspops

    I must have been a good boy, or just good.

    A couple more Pictures....
  8. kspops

    I must have been a good boy, or just good.

    Well, here is the latest update. I got the tank up with a little help from the auto equipment. Next, I started the RO/DI unit in the garage. As of now, I have to manually start and stop the process, but more updates on that later. I started the plumbing and then did some change-ups. but it...
  9. kspops


    Your first post mentioned Bioballs, Are they being rinsed in the discarded water to get the loose detritus out? That is one reason I went with just LRR and will put together a sand bed in my sump. I have heard you should rinse about a third to half every water change. Hope it helps.
  10. kspops

    Officially lost my will to live

    Go with the Peyton Manning thing and get flames painted on it.... I actually saw a Caravan with flames put on with decals a week after that commercial came out and almost had an accident.
  11. kspops

    Is this epoxy reef safe? DIY Rock wall help

    I have not done a rock wall, but I wonder if you were to mix some sand with the Epoxy and make a slurry to paint on. JUust a suggestion.
  12. kspops

    Movies you could watch over and over

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 That movie where the guy is the fish and runs well swims around finding German uboats. "The Incredible Mister Limpet" with Don Knots, That is a good movie. My list is pretty much Military, Band Of Brothers, (My wife's Favorite.) Saving Private Ryan In Harms Way...
  13. kspops

    Browns beat Steelers WTH?!?!

    What is all the crying about???? You could be a Lions Fan ( Old Home town team ), Or live in tampa with the return of the Yuckaneers.
  14. kspops

    Hard PVC Plumbing

    Originally Posted by lilredwuck Which one would be better? Threaded vs. slip? Pros and Cons on both is the answer I will get, but hey....... Well, I just thought of it, but glued would be a more "permanent" thing. The Threaded will help if you need to upgrade later (or replace), and as you...
  15. kspops

    Sump ?

    There are some good threads here and on -- about overflows and DIY Overflows. My 135 has a Modified Durso that drains up and over into my sump. Just search and re-search. They all have pros and cons.
  16. kspops

    fuge light

    I have a Zeon puck style light for my sump/fuge that stays on 24/7. It has given me a nice start on the mangroves and have added them to my new stand. The new set up will have lights on a timer, so the sump/fuge light will be on with the moon lights of the tank.
  17. kspops

    I Need Help With Designing My Sump/refug.!!!

    Originally Posted by florida joe this is true the only problem with that is they do not take into consideration routing. The figure given is for a plumb vertical line I always try to use the next height up for figuring head loss. I would rather go bigger than be to small.
  18. kspops

    No sump reef question

    I took a side of my HOB ? Penguin filter and added Live rock rubble, the other side has the standard filter. This was my first and now quarantine tank. I may pull the LRR for the new system.
  19. kspops

    Thoughts/questions on a Mangrove tank/filter for my FO

    as I said, here is my sump and the plan for my 180 gallon tank.
  20. kspops

    Thoughts/questions on a Mangrove tank/filter for my FO

    I am working on a 180G tank for my Living room. I hope to put the mangroves along the top back of my display (and out of my sump). I will try to post some pics of my sump later as they are on my laptop. I will say I have not had a nitrate problem in my tank so far. (Knock on wood...)