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  1. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    I may see if my LFS will take him back, #1 because of the lymph and #2 if the tank is truly too small (they didn't say anything about that) Any good recomendations on reef safe fish that would be good for 72G and that is not too territorial?
  2. solarbearusa


    Welcome to the boards K9. I am new here as well, only about a month or so but the people on here are great and very helpful. Ask away, and someone on here always has an answer or good advice. I will keep a lookout for you, I just started a 72g about 6 weeks ago and its always good to know...
  3. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Thanks for the comments. Yeah, the LFS said it was probably stress related and would go away. He seems to be doing really well, very active and eating well. I will keep a close eye on him. Will lymphocystis go away on its own if water levels are good and he gets situated? Any help...
  4. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Been up and running for six weeks now. Got some goodies this weekend. Naso Tang Clown (he's tiny) Green Star Polyps Some other kind of Polyps (not sure what they are called) Fish are eating great, so I guess they made the transition from LFS ok. Full Tank Shot Star Polyps (just put them in...
  5. solarbearusa

    Cycling question?

    thanks for the help. I dont think I have a phosphate test in my test kit. I used tap water with the dechlorinator and instant ocean mix. I plan on using RO for water changes. The Tank is 72g's, I have only tested it about 3 times but never did see any nitrites or nitrates so didnt figure it...
  6. solarbearusa

    Cycling question?

    Ok, I have had live rocl in the tank for 11 days now, I have tested a few times and ammonia was around .25 and trites and trates have remained zero. My live rock is almost completely covered in brownish red algae now and it is also all over the sand bed. There are a few places on the live rock...
  7. solarbearusa

    Use an HOB filter and skimmer on your big tank?

    I just started a 72g and have an emperor 400, HOB octopus BH300 dual skimmer and 2 Koralia 3's pushing water around. Just live rock and sand for about 3 weeks now but I think it is going to work out good....we'll see. Didn't have room underneath for a sump and my tank is not drilled.
  8. solarbearusa

    HOB Skimmer question??

    Also running an Emporer 400. I will give it some time and your probably right that there is nothing to collect since there are no fish in there. I am starting to get brown colored algae over all of my LR. Will the skimmer help with that? Do you think this is diatom?
  9. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    New lighting and skimmer came in....hope the bubbles go away when this thing breaks in.
  10. solarbearusa

    HOB Skimmer question??

    I got my Octopus HOB skimmer in finally and put it on last night. It is putting out quite a few micro bubbles but from what I've read that hopefully should subside. This is a dual pump, dual chamber setup, so there are two collection cups. My question is, should the bottom of the collection...
  11. solarbearusa

    pics of my tank

    No, mine is the rebel xt eos digital slr. I will give it a shot. thx.
  12. solarbearusa

    pics of my tank

    Very nice! OMG, that is awesome you are from punsutawney. Isn't that like ground hog day or no... Anyway, how did you get your pics so clear. I have a canon rebel as well, but seems like when I turn the flash off gets blurry. Are you using a tripod? I probably need to invest in one.
  13. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Crazy-will post one has gone into lunar mode already for the night. That is pretty cool too.
  14. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Wow....Sundial Th5 setup arrived today, it is freaky. Looks kind of like a UFO landed in our dining room, it lights up the whole room. It's really pretty wife is still getting used to the brightness.
  15. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    right now just set up as a mech filter. Dont know much about the whole fuge thing, but saw someone turned an emporer into one by adding some lights and stuff.....know anything about that?
  16. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo Looks like your getting off on the right footIs that an Emperor 400?If so they are great,i have 2 on my 75 gal. Yep, emporer 400. I cant run a sump because no room, so going to try and run the following setup: (1) emporer 400 (1) octopus BH-300 Skimmer (2)...
  17. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Originally Posted by kaingers I would test in a couple weeks. Why waste your time when you know its going to take multiple weeks to cycle. What kind of lighting do you have? Great start! Still waiting on my lights....Should be here Monday. Sundial T5 4 x 54w.
  18. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Now the waiting begins, 4-6 weeks right? My kids cant wait to actually see something swimming in there! Anyone have recommedations on how often I should be testing water levels. I did one yesterday just to get familiar with the kit. Didnt expect any numbers but here is where everything is at...
  19. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Thanks, It's about 75 lbs of LR. I was told at least a lb per gallon, so hopefully enough to start with.
  20. solarbearusa

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    Thanks to many of you here, I am off an running on my new hobby. Just want to say thanks to everyone so far for all the advice and answers to my stupid questions. Thought I would post a pic, nothing special, just live rock but hey...I'm excited. Put my live rock in last night, it had a 3 day...