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  1. pleasants9

    Nano Angels?

    Angels = devil fish when mixed with corals all i have to
  2. pleasants9

    nano tuners retro-kit advice?

    i just upgraded my hood bymeslf, a little wiring and buying a new ballast. cheaper and I could do it the way i wanted. no experience with nano-tuners though. sorry
  3. pleasants9

    Reg. Sun corals or Dendrophyllia pros & cons.

    I have a puffer in with my suncoral and he has no problem stealing the food, i solved the problem with a 2 liter soda bottle. I feed the coral once a week by hand making sure every polyp has something in it and shooing the puffer away then once every mouth has something in it i simply place the...
  4. pleasants9

    14gallon and clowns

    I have a tank running right now that is about two years old, about 1.5in deep of sand and 18lbs of LR has pair of black false percs and bubble tip. Been going for almost three months now with those inhabitants and everything has been fine. I know eventually the anemone will outgrow the tank im...
  5. pleasants9

    bubble tip in 14gal

    Im currently in the process of retrofitting a metal halide in between the two compacts where the lunar lights are.
  6. pleasants9

    bubble tip in 14gal

    im trying to find some T5 upgrades for it, its an oceanic biocube, any ideas where to look? I dont want a halide for that little tank.
  7. pleasants9

    For nano reefers!

    i sit in class all the time onmy iphone browsing the forums instead of listening
  8. pleasants9

    For nano reefers!

    im just internally debating going with an anemone or not
  9. pleasants9

    bubble tip in 14gal

    yes no maybe so? tank has no coral in it, and no fish at the moment just a lobster, been running for over a year, want to get a bubble tip anemone for the tank then add a clown, just those critters, can i do it in a 14 gal?
  10. pleasants9

    Acans in PC's?

    sounds like water condition/ params to me, it took me two try with caps just because of my water quality but the seocnd try is doing fine under my PC's. I think you have enough lights for the acan, but it would have to be in the upper half of the tank. You can also feed it, to help supplement...
  11. pleasants9

    My Brain is dieing...

    so no chance of a new fish with acquired coral taste (that was my problem), no different water params, what about lights? new lights? lights old? move any coral closer to the brain that might be causing a chemical warfare?
  12. pleasants9

    My Brain is dieing...

    hhmmmm, any new fish additions, possibly nipping? anything else showing signs of distress? any algea growing on it? just questions i was trying to think of to figure it out....
  13. pleasants9

    Acans in PC's?

    what size tank and light wattage?? Mine is in a 55 and is on a 4in sandbed doing fine, so thats roughly 15? inches from 4x55W PC's
  14. pleasants9

    branch ?

    i think it depends why they died...
  15. pleasants9

    Flame Angel

    ive seen a lot of flames in reef tanks, but my opinion on angels in reef tanks is like a a normal guy surrounded by drugs, once he tries it he never really, but my coral beauty went from awsome to slowly killing my corals, three days after taking him back to the lfs everything...
  16. pleasants9

    Acans in PC's?

    yeah you can do it no problem, just depends how deep the acan will be from the lights
  17. pleasants9

    Lionfish and frogfish?

    ask cranberry, i think she is the one with the lions and anglers, but im pretty sure the both of them would be fine, might take a little bit to get them to eat frozen foods, but highly doubt they would bother one another. and my fuzzydwarf never bothered a single snail or hermit. Im pretty sure...
  18. pleasants9

    frogspawn issue, heads seem to be calcifying

    pretty sure the coral beauty was the culprit, the heads seem to be looking better just 3 days after taking him back
  19. pleasants9

    sun corals

    thank you for the reply
  20. pleasants9

    Sand or LR

    but i believe the sand has its own attributes that help the tank like live rock does, certain snail as well as anything that is "sand sifter" will probably do better with sand than rock even finely crushed rock cause it may be more ccoarse.