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  1. mz3bmx

    Kent Salt and High Calcium!

    Thanks jackri. I'll have to test my Mag levels when I get home. There are spots of coralline on the back wall of the tank and on some of the rocks. I read about certain salts having high calcium and I've contemplated on switching brands but I have half a bucket left which is like another 5-6...
  2. mz3bmx

    Kent Salt and High Calcium!

    I have a 24gall Aquapod w/ HQI thats about 6 months old and I started it with Kent Sea Salt because it was on sale. Now, I want to start putting some LPS and SPS corals in the tank and my parameters are: SG: 1.024 Cal: 550 dKH: 9 pH: 8.1 Temp: 79° I made a fresh batch of salt water using RO/DI...
  3. mz3bmx

    Do sea salt brand's differ much?

    I use Kent Marine Salt and noticed my tank water had HIGH calcium levels (550) without dosing. So, I decided to mix up a fresh batch of salt water and before i poured it into my tank i tested the calcium and it was already at 500. I make it at 1.024sg and use a RO/DI filter. I used another brand...
  4. mz3bmx

    Trace Elements

    Thanks for the help. Looks like I'm making a trip to my LFS to return my Trace Elements lol Once my parameters level out, as far as maintaining my calcium do you recommend dosing Kalkwasser Mix once a week? Will the mix bring up my pH and alkalinity or should I use baking soda for that?
  5. mz3bmx

    Trace Elements

    I read that you need to supply trace elements for your corals, correct me if I'm mistaken but don't salt mixes already come with trace elements or should I just buy the elements in a bottle and dose? I want to put some SPS in my tank but need to get my water parameters straightened out. I use...
  6. mz3bmx

    Coolest fish out there for a nano

    Originally Posted by kromix Looks = Mandarin Goby / Flasher Wrasse. However I'd say the smallest tank for him would be 24-28g.. Depending on how much room you give him to swim in and out of your LR/corals This is the flasher I just got hes beautiful and flashes alot: Hey kromix what kind of...
  7. mz3bmx

    miami_reefer's 12g Aquapod Diary

    Congrats on getting the tank setup and I don't mean to hijack your thread but I had the same exact problem with Dr. F&S... Tank One Tank Two Tank three was shipped to me FREE overnight and boxed twice. Guess that's what it took for the tank to arrive in one piece. The packaging from the other...
  8. mz3bmx

    New Aquapod 24

    Its been a while since i last posted about my tank and it was due to the fact that it was doing so well, until now. The tank has been up for almost 3 months now and I've noticed a bloom of what looks like brown algae growing all over the rocks and sand. Could this be the same diatom algae that...
  9. mz3bmx

    Another worm in the tank

    Thanks and great article indeed. According to the article it says, "if you find one in your aquarium, don't be in a hurry to dispose of it. It might be well worth the time and expenditure of setting up a small species tank." It's quite interesting watching this worm eat since its the only one...
  10. mz3bmx

    Another worm in the tank

    any takers?
  11. mz3bmx

    Another worm in the tank

    I've seen 4 different types of worms in my tank and this is one of them. I noticed that when the worm saw a piece of food its body would come out of his head and grab the food almost like in the movie Alien with his tongue except it was the worm's body coming out of his skin. Anybody know what...
  12. mz3bmx

    Need some suggestions on how to remove a large bristle worm

    came across this link on one of the threads on here. hopefully it can help www.***
  13. mz3bmx

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    lol PM sent
  14. mz3bmx

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    I tried sending a msg to you cranberry but this came up: Cranberry has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.
  15. mz3bmx

    Hermit Just Molted But Wont Move

    i havent seen him in the past couple days so if you're a hermit crab expert reading this please give me some pointers. thanks!
  16. mz3bmx

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    hahaha the orange thing is a piece of fish food... i have a lettuce nudi tho
  17. mz3bmx

    Hermit Just Molted But Wont Move

    One of my hermits molted about 3 days ago and still hasn't moved. I seen him trying to snatch snails that pass by almost coming completely out of his shell to take theirs. So I put him on the sand bed along with 5 shells of different sizes around him and he's not moving into any of them. It's...
  18. mz3bmx

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    He's still alive actually along with the bristle. You can have it if your serious lol but I'm curious as to why?
  19. mz3bmx

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    Interesting hopefully I get to see them hatch before they become fish food and yes to the bumble bee snails. You actually told me in one of my other threads lol. Thanks for the info tho. BTW did your snail eggs hatch or did they end up becoming food for the tank inhabitants?
  20. mz3bmx

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    I have astrea, margarita, nassarius, and bumble bee. One other thing, I have a Lettuce Nudibranch and was wondering if they reproduce sexually or asexually?