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  1. extinct 1ne

    Well, I did it!!

    Originally Posted by luvmyreef Thanks...I am very happy with the purchase! And so excited to finally be able to add a couple tangs that I have always wanted. I will be taking my time on this build. I am going to see how this one develops. I may get a 180 in the future and convert my 55 into...
  2. extinct 1ne

    My 125 gallon FOWLR

    Wow. Really nice FOWLR. More like a FOWFC (Fish Only With Few Corals) lol. Wow your Snowflake & Hermit Crab are huge!!!
  3. extinct 1ne


    Ok, thanks guys. But, I mean I can't do anything now that he's in the tank.
  4. extinct 1ne


    Ok, so I have a 55g Reef Tank with a few corals, inverts, and a Niger Triggerfish (Yes, I know they get large). I was wanting to get your input on just 1 Niger Triggerfish and 1 Cinnamon Clownfish in a 55g Reef. Would that be ok for fish? And then I would just stock it with Soft Corals, and...
  5. extinct 1ne

    What I Plan To Do In The Future...

    Originally Posted by Xcali1985 I run two 150watt heaters in my tank. One set to turn on at 76 and the other at 74. That way if the job can be done with 1 heater then the other only turns on if absolutely needed saving money and preventing a fast temp swing. Ohh, maybe I'll do that. That...
  6. extinct 1ne

    What I Plan To Do In The Future...

    Originally Posted by Flower I'm not sure if the saying is true for titanium heaters or not...I read two small heaters are better than one big look into it since you have the time. Will Do. Thanks again!
  7. extinct 1ne

    What I Plan To Do In The Future...

    Originally Posted by Flower I'm not sure...sorry. I got a 300w for my 90g and I'm not sure of that either, but temps are holding steady...When your tank is very mature the coralline gets so thick and dark, that all the urchin will do is scrape the top layer and fresh clean coralline will be...
  8. extinct 1ne

    What I Plan To Do In The Future...

    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains Sounds like you've got a pretty good plan already! I hope you do a thread on here, when you start! The only thing I would change is the sand sifting star to a serpant star! The reason for this is the sand sifter will most likely starve in a 70g. Also, I...
  9. extinct 1ne

    What I Plan To Do In The Future...

    Originally Posted by Flower Welcome to the site! +1 I agree with Shrimpy on most of your list. A few critters on your list is for a MUCH later date. Anemones should be in a mature tank of a least 6 months. The Diadema (black) urchin will starve in a 70g tank less than 2 years old and full of...
  10. extinct 1ne

    What I Plan To Do In The Future...

    Hi there, I haven't been here in a while. Site looks awesome. Anyways, this is everything I plan to get in the future when I get some more experience in my 55g. Sorry about caps... 70 GALLON WIDE AQUARIUM (RIMLESS) – 48 X 24 X 12 30 GALLON REFUGIUM SUNLIGHT SUPPLY TEK 6X54W T5HO LIGHTING...
  11. extinct 1ne

    Reef Safe Super Glue

    Hi there guys, I want to build a frag rack and was wondering if this glue would be ok to use in my reef. If it's not ok, what kind would be ok? Thank you
  12. extinct 1ne

    Frag Rack -- Magnets?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Most magnets will slowly disintegrate. The only safe way I know of is to give them a liberal coating of epoxy to make them waterproof. So they wont affect the tank, but they will disintegrate?
  13. extinct 1ne

    Frag Rack -- Magnets?

    I am thinking about making a frag rack with magnets and silicone. I already have everything siliconed in place, but I'm thinking twice about it. Will the magnets affect my reef tank? Thanks guys.
  14. extinct 1ne

    help me on my stocklist

    Psuedos may go after the Shrimp. IMO, your stock list is overcrowded.
  15. extinct 1ne

    New Member! Stock List

    The Niger would probably go after the Cleaner Shrimp...Not Sure. Anyways you could always add a Clownfish. If you do, you may want to go for a Maroon or Tomato. They seem to be the most aggressive IME. They will be able to defend themselves the best because you never know what those Damsels...
  16. extinct 1ne

    Tek 4x54w T5HO Lighting

    Ok thanks a bunch. You guys were a big help.
  17. extinct 1ne

    Tek 4x54w T5HO Lighting

    I know this is going to sound cheesy, but do you think I could bump that lighting fixture up with my Current USA Nova Extreme 2x54w. Then I will basically have 6x54w. Although it might look weird...
  18. extinct 1ne

    Tek 4x54w T5HO Lighting

    Hey there, I am planning on getting some SPS for my reef tank and was wondering if this light would be enough. My tank is 55 gallons. Each lamp on this light has individual reflectors. Thank you, Justin
  19. extinct 1ne

    55 Gallon Mixed Reef

    Originally Posted by IbanEz You gotta fix the pics to get more lookers. But it sounds great, I would love to see some good pics. It looks like it split. Do you think that is possibly why it hasn't come out in a while? Does the split irritate the coral?
  20. extinct 1ne

    Setting up my 75gal for reef

    Looks really nice! Love the aquascape.