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  1. pagf14

    Domestic Violence in Maroon Clown Tank

    No other fish besides a blue damsel that I took out 3 weeks ago. Its just the two clowns, a rose anemone, and a hammer coral now. There are about 50 pounds of LR.
  2. pagf14

    Domestic Violence in Maroon Clown Tank

    The water Parameters are Nitrate - 10 Ph. 8.4 Calcium - 440 dKh - 8 Phosphate - 0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0
  3. pagf14

    Domestic Violence in Maroon Clown Tank

    Hello, My Pair of Maroon clownfish in a 29 gallon tank has recently had some problems. They are a mated pair, and they have spawned twice. But I have just noticed in the past 24 hrs. that the male has had his fins torn up and ripped, and he is just sitting and breathing rapidly on the...
  4. pagf14

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    The tank looks wonderful! The Fowleri Tang is definitely the best one I've ever seen. Any updates please?
  5. pagf14

    60g Stocklist

    That should be fine. Good call
  6. pagf14

    60g Stocklist

    You should be fine with the Kole tang just make sure that he doesn't get stressed out earliy on. I have a 65 with a very similar stock, but I'd skip the school of chromis and go with a basslet or cardinalfish. I'm just about maxed out with a Kole, Flame Angel, 2 clowns and a Royal Gramma. Good Luck!
  7. pagf14

    Mitratus Butterflyfish

    Does anyone know of a good place to potentially buy a Declevis, Tinker's, Burgess, or preferrably Mitratus butterflyfish for a less than the usual market price? (>$300) Or, can anyone reccomend an equally suited butterflyfish that is not commonly seen?
  8. pagf14

    So it Begins...all 10 feet of it...

    all amazing... the fish even more so than the tank!!!
  9. pagf14

    So it Begins...all 10 feet of it...

    really want to see some pictures of the decilvis butterfly. Great fish choices!
  10. pagf14

    Kole Tang Diagnosis (w/ pics)

    Naw the Falme Angel is only half his size. I put an index card in the said corner, and did a little water change, and guess what? He's acting just like he was! Thank you everybody!
  11. pagf14

    Kole Tang Diagnosis (w/ pics)

    "Sounds like he is seeing his reflection on the glass when the lights are on and spending all his time and energy attacking it. " I had thought so. BTW, the ammonia and nitrite are practically zero, I was just taking into account that there is always a tiny amount in any tank. If he is attacking...
  12. pagf14

    Kole Tang Diagnosis (w/ pics)

    I just bought a new Kole Tang for my 65 gallon FOWLR tank. After QT, the first 2 weeks went by fine, he was grazing on all of the excess algae in the tank. But now he's just hiding out in the corner, darting around wildly in the small space. I've noticed that his skin is starting to look faded...
  13. pagf14

    Panther grouper

    Love the fish, but yeah, they get too big, eat all your smaller fish, and later down the road fade from pearly white to dull brown. But, theyre incredibly fun to keep if you can meet the requirements.
  14. pagf14

    Okay, so I'm looking to start with corals...

    Sure, money's not an issue. But, what exactly is a sunpod? And, has anyone ever heard of a foolproof way of preventing anemones from getting sucked into powerhead intakes? Just in case.
  15. pagf14

    Okay, so I'm looking to start with corals...

    The tank itself has been cycled for about 2 months, although it has no fish and only the cleanup crew, which consists of a few snails and a crab. I'm running two Hydor Koralia #1's and I've got a Fluval 405 canister filter. The sand bed is 1.5 inches deep, and there is 33 lbs. of live rock. The...
  16. pagf14

    Okay, so I'm looking to start with corals...

    Okay, so the lights are Nova Extreme T5 HO lights, one actinic and one flourescent bulb. I believe there are 125 watts. Are these sufficient? I have done a lot of reading on anemones, so I'm pretty sure I could meet its water quality needs. I was thinkng a bubble tip, nothing terribly expensive...
  17. pagf14

    Okay, so I'm looking to start with corals...

    I have a fully cycled 29 gal. tank. I currently have no fish for it, and I am looking to start a reef tank. However, I am a total newbie when it comes to corals. My only condition for this tank is that it also has an anemone and 2 maroon clowns. What corals would you reccomend? Are my lights...
  18. pagf14

    Stocking thoughts for 65g

  19. pagf14

    Stocking thoughts for 65g

    That would be stupid. Any suggestions for a fish to take its place?
  20. pagf14

    Stocking thoughts for 65g

    Stocking for 65g FOWLR Tank: (Inverts taken care of) Flame Angel Royal Gramma Kole Tang Snowflake Eel 2 Oscellaris Clowns *Your Choice* Wrasse or other Small Fish Any suggestions are fine.