Search results

  1. goatfish

    Bakpak 2R?

    The bakpak works well. I've had mine for 3 years and it is wonderful for moderate size tanks for the price. I would ditch the preskimmer, bubble trap, but also the rio pump that comes with it. Ditch the rio and get the maxi jet with a venturi set up. It works much better.
  2. goatfish

    Coral Id Please

    I have a hitchiker that looks very similar to the yellow polyps but it seems to shy away from the light. I only have PC lighting and it seems to close up if I get it to close to the top.
  3. goatfish

    Ballast Wiring Question

    I have an extra 2x55 A H Supply PC ballast and end caps laying around and I was wondering if it would be ok to hook up just one of the bulbs to it and leave the other leads sealed off. I don't have room over the tank to hook up both and that extra 55 watts of lighting sure would make things...
  4. goatfish

    CPR not foaming too much.

    When I was using the rio I would get what looks like calcification build up in the air lines and the fittings that that connect them to the pump. Clean those out with hot water and a pipe cleaner or piece of wire. The best thing you could do is switch to a maxi-jet 900 with the venturi kit. I...
  5. goatfish

    Im screwed! NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!!

    I'm guessing you have the rio that came with the bak pak. Rios are junk you might as well chunk it and get a replacement. I replaced the rio on my bak pak with a maxi-jet 900 with the turbo intake kit ($5.00) and man what a difference it made. It has made my skimmer perform much better and if...
  6. goatfish

    Placement of pump in sump

    Since everyone is talking about mags I have a quick question that is related. I had a mag three returning the water from my 10 gal fuge and after a few days I noticed rust on the screws that hold on the intake/return housing. This wsa using it as a submerged pump. So the question. Should this...
  7. goatfish

    Economically Friendly 10gal fuge?

    Definatly go with an over flow you will thank yourself. I went and ordered a drilled tank (29 gal drilled is scarce) to flow to my fuge. I just have a maxi-jet 1200 as my return on the opposite side of the tank (both behind baffles) and it works very well. I might could use slightly more flow...
  8. goatfish

    Moon Lights

    I was hunting around on information for moonlights myself. In one of the pages I was reading I found that as far as led goes the closest to natural moonlight would be the blue led's rated at 475 nm. Now this is just heresay so take it for whats its worth.
  9. goatfish


    As for the GFCI I will be getting one today but I do have all my equipment on surge protectors with breakers on them. Would that serve the same function? I will install a GFCI anyhow, you never can be to safe. I really think it might be the wiring behind the wall because as of now everything...
  10. goatfish


    Thanks so much. That sounds like what I need. But I do have a few more questions. The house I am in is an older rent house and I know that some of the sockets do not have ground wires running to them. The sockets that my tank runs have the ground hole in them but if there is no ground wire...
  11. goatfish


    For tonoight should everything be ok? I still have everything plugged in at the moment because every thing will die if I leave it unplugged overnight. I can't get the voltage meter this late so I will have to get one tommorrow. Also what should I look for when checking the wiring behind the...
  12. goatfish


    What about my fish and other livestock (corals inverts ect.)? Will they be ok, I know this cannot be good for them.
  13. goatfish


    I have tried unplugging my heater. I have tried unplugging everything one at a time and still get shocked. Even with everything but my lights unplugged I still get a buzz. Could it be something with my electrical sockets?
  14. goatfish


    This evening I was messing with my tank and buzzz. I got a shock. I just finished cleaning my pumps so I thought maybe I pulled a wire loose. Unplugged them and would still get buzzed. So then I unplugged my lights. Still get buzzed. Basically the only time I don't get shocked is when I unplug...
  15. goatfish


    This evening I was messing with my tank and buzzz. I got a shock. I just finished cleaning my pumps so I thought maybe I pulled a wire loose. Unplugged them and would still get buzzed. So then I unplugged my lights. Still get buzzed. Basically the only time I don't get shocked is when I...
  16. goatfish

    Refugium Design will the powerhead work?

    As for the line to the fuge anyone here will tell you to use an over flow. As for the return I have been using a maxi-jet 1200 for about a year now on my ten gallon fuge. This has worked well and is pretty energy effecient. Could maybe use a little more flow but not much, if I lessened the...
  17. goatfish

    auto topoff

    Has anyone ever tried a Nurce system?. I am going to try to set one up in the near future using a 2 gal gas can, airline tubing and PVC. from researching it on the web all I can see is that you need to keep it air tight.
  18. goatfish

    Corraline Algae

    Best Coraline Scraper: Creditcard
  19. goatfish

    Corraline Algae

    I have read somewhere that that on of the main elements people lack for coraline is magnesium. That most of the salt mix companies including instant ocean skimp on this to make their salt faster dissolving, and that it is essential for growth. So someone may need to add it to their system. I...
  20. goatfish

    JBJ Light Fixture PC, or hold out for VHO

    Ol Yeller, I will send you mail tonight or tommorow. I do have another question about my old AHS set up. I was wondering if it would be feasable to run 55w bulb rather than two off my ballast it might not warm up so much. Just taping off a pair of wires. If anyone out there is familiar with...