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  1. dandallasfan

    Heater Problems!!!

    I placed two small fans on the top of the sump and the temp came down to 78 degrees within 10 hours. All is good again!
  2. dandallasfan

    Aphtasia problem

    I had a garden of aiptasia and added a copperband butterfly. Within two weeks the aiptasia was all gone. There may be some throughout my tank still but my butterfly takes care of it. The horror stories of the copperband I hear often yet this may be one of my favorite fish that now eats regular...
  3. dandallasfan

    Heater Problems!!!

    Yeah we have had some hot weather but my tank and stand sit in front of a air vent. My house was cool 78 degrees.
  4. dandallasfan

    Heater Problems!!!

    Okay so this week has been a bad week for me! My 125 gallon reef tank has a water temp of 85 degrees OMG! I check the heater and the temp is set at 78 degrees. How could the temp in the water rise this high? I turned off my lights for 24 hours to bring the temp down. Still no luck! I unplugged...
  5. dandallasfan

    Purchased a Jawfish Question

    My cover completly covers the top of the tank. I have a mixture of sand and crushed coral. I think he is looking for a good home.
  6. dandallasfan

    Purchased a Jawfish Question

    Just wondering, I purchased a jawfish and he was hiding for about 4 days and he has come out. He is currently at the top of the tank. Is this normal?
  7. dandallasfan

    Tang Hurt?

    I have no idea. It wasn't like that and hour ago.
  8. dandallasfan

    Tang Hurt?

    I can't get a clear shot. Looks like a bone sticking out.
  9. dandallasfan

    Tang Hurt?

    I noticed that the scalpel on my kole tang is sticking out? Doesn't look okay. Well this heal itself or is the fish doomed?
  10. dandallasfan


    Yes it is possible. Kole tangs are very calm compared to other tangs. I have a powder blue and a kole and they are fine.
  11. dandallasfan

    Mixing Blennies

    125 Gallons
  12. dandallasfan

    Mixing Blennies

    I have a Lawnmower Blenny in my 125 gallon tank and was wondering about ordering a Redlip Blenny do you think this would work?
  13. dandallasfan

    Death in the Family

    Thats exactly what happened. He ate everything from brine to krill and anything in between yet got skinner each month. I want another type of sand sifting goby but don't want to lose one like this...
  14. dandallasfan

    Death in the Family

  15. dandallasfan

    Death in the Family

    Well my diamond goby that I have had for about a year died today. Looks like it starved itself too death. It stinks when you lose a fish that you've had for a while. Question is what are some of the best gobies to keep with a tank that has 3 Tangs, Clowns, Sailfin Blenny and Royal Gamma?
  16. dandallasfan

    Bought another tang by mistake! HELP!

    All went well. I returned the other tang first thing Monday morning. As for the QT tank. I have one but with my LFS selling only the best quality fish I seldom use it. My LFS qt their new arrivals and won't let you buy them until they have been qt for 2 weeks. Never heard of this before but its...
  17. dandallasfan

    Tang to Tang tank mate question

    I believe if the PB is the last tang introduced you are okay with a yellow. I have a yellow, PB and Kole and I have never had a probelm...
  18. dandallasfan

    Bought another tang by mistake! HELP!

    My wife thinks its the funniest thing. Well no aggression yet but its only been 6 hours. My new tang is bigger than my other one. The one I had is hiding, which is the norm for her...Just don't want to lose one for real this time! lol
  19. dandallasfan

    Bought another tang by mistake! HELP!

    Okay so I haven't seen my Kole Tang for almost a week. I looked everywhere for her and couldn't find it! I moved name it I did it. Well in a panic that my 7 year old would realize that her favorite fish is a DEAD I went and got another Kole. Well what do you know there are now 2 in...
  20. dandallasfan

    Another fish recommendation thread (sigh)

    What is the size of the tank and what other fish are in the tank?